Chapter 13

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As I laid in bed to rest up my aching body, I couldn't stop staring at my little girl as she slept next to me in her baby bed. Just then, the door quietly opened and it was Yui and the Sakamaki triplets. Yui smiled at me and she said to me.

"We're not disturbing you, are we?"

"Not at all, come in."

Yui and the triplets came in and then Ayato asked me.

"How are you feeling? any better?"

"Well let me put it this way, it felt like I was pooing a cannonball."

The triplets snickered at my comment. Yui looked at Ayame and she said to me.

"She's beautiful (Y/n)."

"And adorable at the same time."

Laito said as he smiled and then Ayame woke up and she yawned a little. Ayato smiled at her and he then asked me.

"Do you mind if I-"

"Go ahead, but be careful."

I warned him before Ayato gently picks up Ayame and holds her gently in his arms.

"Hey little one, you remember Ore-sama? the one that held your Mother's hand when she was giving birth to you?"

Ayame laughed a little when Ayato called himself Ore-sama. I shook my head at him and I then said to him.

"You haven't changed at all, Ayato, you're still calling yourself Ore-sama over and over again."

Ayato chuckled and then Kanato said to him.

"Ayato, don't hog Ayame all to yourself, let me have a hold of her."

"All right, all right, here you go."

Ayato gave Ayame to Kanato but, Ayame started crying already. Kanato was shocked and then he hands Ayame back to me and then she calms down. I tried to let Kanato have another hold but Ayame just cried again. I held Ayame in my arms and I said to her.

"All right, all right, Ayame, I get it, Shh calm down, it's OK."

Ayame calmed down a little and I said to Kanato.

"Sorry, Kanato, I don't think she takes to you that well."

Ayame smirked and he then said to us.

"Heh, maybe that's because she realised that Kanato is a psycho."


Yui and I hushed both Kanato and they covered their mouths before Ayame started crying but thankfully she didn't. Laito chuckled and he then asked me.

"Mind if I hold her?"

"Of course, here you go."

Laito gently takes Ayame in his arms and she smiles at Laito. I giggled a little and then Yui spoke up.

"Aww~ she's smiling."

"She certainly is, looks like you've got yourself another fangirl, Laito."

I said happily and then Laito said to me.

"Looks like it and she's adorable at the same time."

Laito said as he gently patted Ayame's side. The doctor came in and he said to me.

"How's the new mommy doing?"

"I'm doing fine thanks aside from the pain I can still feel thanks to this little one."

"All moms feel that way but, after a few days of resting you'll be right as rain."

"Good to know."

Just then Ayame started crying again. Laito looked worried for a second and I then said to him.

"Don't panic, Ayame is probably hungry again, come here, sweetie."

Laito gives Ayame back to me and I then lifted my top but before I could move my bra out of the way, the triplets looked away quickly and then Ayato spoke up.

"Ah!!, we just remembered we needed to be somewhere, come on guys."

I giggled a little after the triplets left. While Ayame was drinking some of the milk, Yui smiled at me and she said to me.

"Are you sure this is your first child? you seem to be a natural."

"Okaa-san showed me what to do with a baby, we practised with robot one before she got sick but we never did the breastfeeding part, trust me that was too weird and too awkward."

"Hehe, probably, well, I better go after the triplets, we're due in school in an hour."

"All right, say to the others for me."

"I will see you later Ayame."

Yui said with a smile before she pats Ayame's head. Once Yui and the doctor left, I looked at Ayame and she was smiling at me.

"Hehe, who would have thought that I'd give birth to a beautiful baby like you Ayame."

Ayame held my finger after I stroked her cheek. I smiled at her and I then said to her.

"Since we're here, how about we pay a visit to your new Grandmother?"

Ayame continued to smile at me. The doctor was nice enough to put me in a wheelchair since I was still feeling a bit sore. Once I got to Mom's room, she was still wasn't feeling too good after I heard her cough a little. The doctor examined her and he said to her.

"Well, the good news is, you're not contagious as before and your fever has gone down as well."

"So does that mean I can finally go home?"

"Not quite yet, your blood pressure hasn't returned to normal yet, probably because of the fever and the lack of blood since you did cough out some of it when you first came to us."

I was shocked when I heard this and I then spoke up.

"Well, aside from that the new grandmother is gonna be fine right?"

Mom looked at me and she was shocked and happy when she saw Ayame in my arms. The doctor nodded his head as the nurse pushed me closer to Mom.

"Yes, your mother is going to be fine, with another few weeks of rest, she'll be ready to go home."

Mom looked at Ayame and I said to her.

"Okaa-san, say hello to your new granddaughter, Ayame (L/n)."

"Oh my goodness, hello Ayame."

I gave Ayame to Mom and she gently held her in her arms. Mom had tears in the corner of her eyes and she said to me.

"Oh (Y/n), she's so cute."

"I know, she's like a ray of sunshine."

"Be careful what you say about Ayame, they may start out adorable and cute when they're first born and brought into the hospital but, once you take her home, that's when things go downhill from there."

"Hehe, I know and I'm just glad those guys are there for me."

Mom smiled as she rocked Ayame back and forth gently. Mom then looked at me and she said to me.

"Did ask for a DNA test yet?"

"Well before I went into labour, we did discuss that so I decided to give the guys a test by giving them babysitting duties and if they do well, then I might consider a DNA test."

"That sounds like a good idea, it's too bad your Father isn't here to see this cutie but, it's his loss."


I said with a smirk. As I watched Mom holding Ayame in her arms, I thought to myself.

'I'm glad Ayame is finally here, now all I have to do, is to test the brothers to see if they're serious about raising little Ayame and then, I'll find out who the father is.'

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