The Prince

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Sgt. Kasmeer ran in front of his small troop as the xenomorph attacked, executing a flawless strategy against the humans. They'd been savaging for supplies, food mostly, for the ever shrinking colony. They'd ventured deep into xenomorph territory, deeper then they'd ever should have gone. They'd been well armed and well armoured, taking every precaution to avoid detection where possible and defence where not. They were aware of xenomorph hiding places, tight little cracks where they loved to hide and jump out. More then one soldier had been grabbed by a xenomorph and was dragged away into some unknown vent, never to be heard from again.

This had gone totally different though, and so utterly devastating. A lone drone had been lying on the floor in the centre of the corridor, apparently sleeping. As soon as it spotted them it had ran off, the group quickly chasing it to avoid it alerting its friends. They had caught up with it as it went into a vent, scuttling away. Only they had Sgt. Kasmeer turned to notice half his group gone, snatched away without anyone noticing. They tried the communications link in their helmets, all they heard back were a few xenomorph screeches.

And so he ordered an abandonment of the mission, focusing instead on getting back alive. But that had drawn them out, leading to an ambush. Xenomorphs sprung out of nowhere, ripping them away from the group for impregnation. It was a brief but bloody massacre, those not taken away were quickly eliminated. A tail swipe here and a head bite there, it was still going on when Sgt. Kasmeer realised how bad things were. He turned and fled with maybe two or three survivors going with him. They were quickly dispatched of, leaving only the Sgt.

He tripped and fell, trying to scramble to his feet he saw a large xenomorph place its foot infront of him. It was big, taller then the others but slimmer also, it's tail twice, maybe thrice, the size of the others. It gave a low hiss and open its jaws, the inner jaws preparing to launch forward...

It was the last thing Sgt. Kasmeer ever saw...


You swallowed the brains in your inner jaws and let the meat fall down your gullet, it was all the meat you took before raising your claws and slashing through the humans face in anger. Two of your sisters were killed during this small raid, a third wounded. The plan worked well enough, they followed the trail led by your drone decoy and the stragglers silently plucked from the group with practised efficiency. It was only in the ambush had something gone wrong when one of the humans seemed to regain his senses rather then falling into a surprised panic, the man had used his gun to quickly kill two xenomorphs when a splash of blood had dissolved his weapon.

Causalities had fallen dramatically since your first expedition, though you were still perturbed whenever a sister died. Inserting your claws into the humans face, you dragged him over to your sisters with your fingers in his eye sockets. With a almost casual flick of your arm you tossed him onto the pile, your wounded sister taking a large section of food due to her injuries. The group watched you approach the two dead, continuing a ritual you'd started months ago. Dipping your head down your inner jaws extended, taking a small bite from your sister and swallowing the blood.

Carry with us.

It was a small ritual that not many of the xenomorph truly understood, but it was for the best as far as you were concerned. You turned and walked away, knowing the others were each repeating your ritual. Your mothers calls for your safety were no longer as frequent, but they still happened every hour you were gone. It was frustrating, but there was no getting away from it. If she commanded the others would drag you to her kicking and screaming, you were still only second in command. Though those calls would end soon you knew as you entered a large chamber, where two adult xenomorphs were beginning to end their hibernation cycle in their now tight cocoons.

You say patiently, calling out to your sisters who were about to end their metamorphosis. Large piles of food were collected around them, food you'd been quietly pulling away whenever the time was right. Excitement shot through you as one of the pods cracked open, a large domed head breaking out like a hatchling from an egg. The warrior who had begun this metamorphosis has died in that pod, replaced by the large praetorian she had evolved into. Where before the flames had burnt away the skin showing her skull, now there was only a dent in the otherwise perfectly smooth skull.

Dent-head as you had decided to name her, was one of the two surviving warriors from your original journey outside the central hive. The other, Half-jaw as she's been dubbed, would soon break free of her own cocoon and your two praetorian guards would be able to silence any qualms your mother had for Your safety. Dent-head fully broke free of her pod, falling to the ground weakly. She lay there breathing heavily as she regained her bearings, being inside a cocoon for months was enough to disorientated any creature. The large praetorian managed to get one of her feet under her, rising slowly to get a grasp of her new body.

"Hungry." She told you, her higher form granting her stronger a stronger mind that could clearly telepath with you and possibly other xenomorphs.

"Eat." You commanded. "Build strength." The praetorian obeyed instantly, lowering her great head and devouring the large sections of human remains gathered by her pod. It took a while longer for Half-jaw to break out, but surprisingly she was able to compose herself almost instantly. The two were also physically different apart from their head wounds, but their entire bodies too. Dent-head was larger, taller and bigger then her sister but still smaller then the queen of course. Half-jaw was a small then the other praetorians, but also, you instinctively knew, a lot smarter. When she reached out telepathically you could sense the higher intellect there, perhaps the smartest xenomorph in the hive baring you and your mother.

They took a while to defamiliarise themselves with you, since you'd changed a lot since they begun their hibernation. You were taller then the other xenomorphs now, standing some eight feet when fully upright although you still elected to run on all fours most of the time. Your tail had grown to three times the size and was a long, viscous whip that inflicted serious damage. You were still slimmer then your sisters, giving you a skeletal look. You were also due another skin-molt before long, a process where your armour would crack open and your new and bigger body would crawl out.

Heading back to the central chamber with your two praetorians, you stopped when you noticed something. A royal face hugger, carrying a queen embryo. You were surprised since there hadn't been any disruption of the hive, plus it was heading in the wrong direction of the captured humans. Grabbing it by the tail, you lifted it up. It gave a small squeak in protest but otherwise remained still. You placed it on your back, ferrying it around until you got to the breeding chamber. Where it quickly jumped off, then leapt onto a captured human.

The queen, back in her central chamber guarded by her six praetorians, was attached to her large egg laying sack. Royal face hugger eggs were everywhere, some being hatched and others incubating, although the queen was still laying more. You didn't no it yet, but it was an indication that it would soon be time to leave.

Your mother gave a low hiss at seeing you, welcoming you back home with your two guards. The other praetorians rose, inspecting Half-jaw and Dent-head. They gave a few audible sounds, no doubt telepathically communicating. Half-jaw seemed to get the approval rather quickly, Dent-head took a bit more persuading but eventually endorsed by the other praetorians.     

Of course the most syndical critic was your mother, making a low grumbling. Counter to the other praetorians she had a harder time approving Half-jaw then Dent-head, the smaller praetorians lack of brute strength seemed to off out her.

"This one weak." She commented.

"She is my praetorian." You told your mother, defending your sister. Half-jaw hadn't expected to survive long after being injured by the humans, but somehow she had endured. You'd sat with her as she had healed, taking the time to bring her food. She was totally devoted to you, as was Dent-head. They both practically worshiped you and young going to allow them to get hurt.

You were the prince after all, and one day soon you'd be king.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2018 ⏰

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