Growing up

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Xenomorphs grow fast, or at least they should. At three weeks old you weren't much bigger then a human infant of around five years, your limbs were still long and skinny and they were disproportionately larger then your body. Your torso was only around half the size of your arms making it difficult to balance properly, the hive seemed to be rather understanding though and there was always someone around to grab you in case you started to wobble. It was clear that your mother had no intention of letting you leave her sight though and on the occasions you'd left her ever present gaze to explore she'd sent the entire colony into near melt down in a panic, once you'd found a nice warm vent to nap in after a tiring few minutes of play and since no other xenomorphs were within eye-sight her constant screams had almost destroyed the hive.

That was last week though and you'd grown a bit since then, your inner jaws were coming along nicely as you had practised snapping them back and forth when you were bored. But more presently your mother had finally given you a little space from her over bearing presence, even let you go without a praetorian guard. There were some conditions though obviously, you had to have a company of some five warriors follow you around as your personal escorts, you were not to go more then a mile in any direction from the central chamber and if any of your guards spotted a potential threat you were to return immediately.

You hadn't really travelled far once given your freedom since you were want to simply following whatever took your interest, usually face huggers and new born chest-bursters. You were pretty sure that a large group of workers were following you around with food in their mouths since whenever you got hungry you were provided for almost immediately.

Today though was a different matter. Today you'd been wondering through the hive as usual when another chest bursted scrambled past, just like any other day you followed her and had a few minutes play. Using your telekinetic powers that royal xenomorphs possessed you were able to determine that this chest burster had eaten her fill and was looking for a quiet place for her to under go her metamorphosis into an adult. She scrambled off somewhere pushing open what looked like an old door, a beam of light pushing through the darkness of the hive.

A window into the outside was smashed open, shards of glass lay where they had fell on the floor. There was broken furniture everywhere when the original xenomorphs broke in all that time ago, there was little blood except for drag marks led through the doorway. The inhabitants had probably been dragged off for the face huggers, though at least one adult had been killed and dragged away for food. A small gust of wind blew through the window, moving the curtains slightly.

The now open curtains revealed a human corpse, half decayed. Most of the flesh was gone and what remained was shrivelled and hugging the skeleton, the eyes were empty and the jaw hung open. Most of the scalp had gone and the hair decayed long ago, the state of decomposition suggested it was around a year ago that the human died. For whatever reason the human had survived the initial attack and had not been taken away by the xenomorphs. Perhaps they had been diseased and they didn't want to feed the hive any tainted meat, or perhaps they had simply missed it. Either way, it really didn't matter now.

Tentatively you crawled forward into the centre of the room, the dust was thick and you left footprints as you walked. This was years of build up. Walking towards the wall below the window, you prepared to jump up to the ledge. The warriors followed behind you and one stepped over you, easily climbing through the window without jumping. She gave a high pitched call, signalling safety. You leapt up and grabbed the windowsill, the second warrior pressed her head against your body and flicked you upwards.

The first warrior caught you in her hands and you were pushed through the window, the second and third shortly joining you. For the first time you saw the outside world, for the first time you gazed upon the sun and the sky. The sun was red and blisteringly hot, far closer to the planet then most planets revolve around their stars. Yours and the other xenomorphs exoskeltons would resist the heat better then most creatures, though too long outside and your organs could cook from the inside. Though the sun was largely blocked by the buildings, massive skyscrapers that clawed out at the sky, almost as if they were trying to escape the hive that had infected them. The same black mucous that lined the inside of the hive also covered many of the buildings. Turning your gaze to the east you looked at the single tallest structure in the city, it stretched some two miles higher then the already kilometre tall building you were perched on. Their was more mucous on that building then any other, instantly you knew that's where your mother was nesting, that's where you were born.

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