Royal Birth

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You were warm, oh so comfortably warm.

You were hungry, so you opened your mouth and bit forward. Your inner claw immediately pushed against flesh, which meant you had food all around you. You also drank the blood inside the meat, meaning you were provided for. You flexed your muscles, growing more and more confided in your little haven. You were content here, though becoming ever more uncomfortable as you felt this place was becoming smaller.

You stretched out your arms and legs, even wrapping your tail around the spine. But for the first time you felt something your arm touch the skin. It was that touch that attracted the attention of the queen, she leaned her head forward sniffing the corpse. She was hoping that it was time for you to come out, but she had no way to help you. She gave a low grumble, once that pulled a cord in you. Instinct told you to go towards the sound, by any means necessary.

You started to kick about, trying to find a way to go towards the sound. The queen saw more movement, excitement growing inside her as thought it might be time for you to hatch. She'd been guarding the host for two weeks, not eating or moving in that time. Her energy was low, but she hadn't let up her attention on her son.

The excitement in her voice caused you to push out even more desperately, you started to claw forward. Opening your mouth to bite at the flesh around you, moving forward towards the mothers call. The queen, realising you were trying to get out, roared her approval. She called out for you to continue to fight your way out, her Praetorians took up the call and also called out encourage meant to their prince. More and more xenomorphs throughout the colony stared to take up the call, making as much noise as they could to let you know how much you needed to break through. Xenomorphs in separate building were slamming their tails against the walls.

It was then, once the entire colony was roaring for you, did you breakthrough the ribs of your host into the world. Your head pushed out of the host, your claws pushing you up and your taloned feet kicking against body to push you up. You stood up shaking, taking a few seconds to gain your bearings. The entire hive held its breath, waiting tensely to see you make your first move. Your mother leaned her head against you, sniffing you excitedly.

You pushed your head up and squealed at the top of your lungs, your second jaws pushing out your mouth. As one, every xenomorph, from the lowest drone to the queen herself, bellowed out their loudest possible roar. The entire city shook with the volume of your hive, letting any other colonies know that a prince was born, as future king would be on the way soon.

Your mother carried you in her jaws while you would wrap your arms and legs around her inner jaw, providing a perfect spot for you. Protected by the singular most powerful creature in the hive, who was guarded by six Praetorians who followed her all hours of the day, while you had a good hand hold to prevent yourself being swallowed. The queen bullied her way down the hive to a food source, a large pile of bodies being collected by the drones for convenient feasting. Three warriors were gulping down food, using their inner jaws to pull small chunks into their mouths.

They immediately jumped out the way as their queen approached, watching intently in the hope of spotting the prince. The queen opened her mouth and extended her inner jaws, letting you step directly into the course pile. The three warriors yipped and yelped at your presence, evidently excited to see their new prince. Their cries caught your attention, causing you to turn to face them.

"Eat." Came an authoritative voice in your mind, a voice that you'd never heard before, but one that sounded so familiar. Of course, what child would not recognise the sound of their own mothers voice. You obeyed, crouching and extending your lower jaws to eat the flesh. You gorged yourself, weak from breaking out the host. Your mother settled down beside the pile, her head level with you. You stood up after finished your meal, looking at your mother. You placed your two forearms against her snout, resting against her. She responded by pushing against you slightly, sharing a tender moment of affection.

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