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~A brew method and coffee that is ground and packed very fine. A small amount of water is added creating a different taste and strength of the coffee.~
World: Soulmate AU, where all your previous life's soulmates have met in a specific place. Granted it may change due to times, but it will always be in the same proximity. If you go there, you're bound to meet your soulmate, or so it's said.
Lemon: No... one of these days there will be one. Just not now, sorry.
Word Count: 1189
  There's a little run down coffee shop on the edge of town, but it serves the best espresso that (Y/n) has ever tasted; it's her favorite thing to order off the menu. The shelves are covered with antique trinkets and worn down paintings.
The wall paper is chipping and the padding inside all the booths and chairs are practically flattened and worn out. Cracks litter the ceiling and the checkered tile flooring. Most of the tables wobble back and forth when you sit at them, but it's worth the nostalgia.
  Family pictures, having faded slightly because of the sun, hang on a wall at the back of the shop. The lights flicker every once in a while, but it's nothing too extreme and it's bearable. The people who work here tell her all the time that she looks like the first person who opened up the place with her soulmate.
  They think that she's the reincarnate of her, and that her soulmate shows up every once in a while. She doesn't care, it's not like she's actively searching for him or anything. And if she was, she'd show up later because that's when he supposedly shows up.
She pays her check before she smiles at the waitress, "Keep the change, and have a nice day, Lilia!"
"Have a wonderful day! And I'll see you tomorrow darling!" the older woman calls as the (Y/n) opens the door and exits the building.
She bumps into a taller person, on their way inside. She looks up and sends him a smile, as their eyes meet the world turns into slow motion. His eyes wander her body; from her (e/c) pools, her (h/c) strands, her perfectly shaped lips, to her (c/s)-cup chest.
"I'm sorry I bumped into you, but I've got to go to work!" she waves, and as soon as she was in his life, she was gone. He didn't even catch her name, but he watches her as she skips down the walkway to her car.
He closes his golden eyes before he walks into the shop, the smell of espresso fills his nose and he's filled with a sense of belonging and home. He takes his normal spot by the window right by the door, it's clear that the girl he had just seen was sitting there. This place doesn't get much business and the cup hasn't been cleared off the table yet.
She was pretty, and she's probably the only other person who ever actually comes here. He waits for the waitress to come over and remove the cup, while placing his usual order in front of him; an espresso.
  He lets out a sigh as he brings the cup up to his lips. The warm liquid hits his stomach and fills his whole body with the heat. He places it down before he notices a phone in the booth next to him. The case is a nice (f/c) with the words 'I can't adult today' in white.
A breath of air escapes his lungs as he scoffs at it. He picks it up and turns it on the lock screen. It's a picture of the woman he just saw with a man. He has salt-and-peppered hair that curls on the top, and she's kissing his cheek.
He goes into her phone, and finds it strange that there's no password or anything. But the home background is of her and two children, she looks a bit young to have children, but who's he to judge. He goes into her contacts and sees that she only has a select few, consisting of Dad, Little Brat 1, and Little Brat 2.
He nods, must be her family then. But it causes him to wonder why they had phones when they were that young. Maybe it's the home phone or something, but who still has those?
He taps in his phone number, then places it to the side and continues to sip on his coffee. The silence was interrupted by the cell phone ringing, he picks it up. Another sip of the espresso and he holds the phone to his ear, "To whom am I speaking to?"
  "The owner of this phone," her voice echoes through the receiver and he taps his fingers against the old rotting table. "My name is (Y/n), and can you tell me where I left it? I need to pick it up after work..."
  "It's at the coffee shop on the outskirts of town," he hums as the cup makes a small clink against the saucer. "You're pretty irresponsible to leave your phone all the way out here, aren't you?"
  "To whom am I speaking to?" she asks, the male's lips form into a small smile. "You'll have to get your phone to find that out, (Y/n)-ya."
  He places some money on the table, hanging up the phone, placing it on top of the money before he stands up. He nods at the waitress before he leaves the place. The day passes with ease, but it could just be because the hospital gets crazy every time he works. Then again, when isn't the hospital crazy?
  Once he exits the place, he feels his phone vibrating, so he answers it, "Are you the person who found my phone earlier today?"
  He nods, he remembers now, "I might be... and you're (Y/n)-ya... right?"
  "Yes," her voice almost sounds as if she's annoyed. "Why would you put your phone number into my phone?"
  He thinks about it, but he doesn't really know either. Something inside him just clicked and told him to, but he doubts she'd believe that. After a few moments of silence, she speaks up again, "Do you want to meet me at the coffee shop tomorrow? It doesn't have to be in the morning, I'm off."
  "Sure," he lets out a sigh, there's something churning in his soul. This must be what people feel when they meet their soulmates. He stops dead in his tracks as that thought crosses his mind and the line goes dead after she says something about waiting all day there for him.
  She doesn't know what the person she's waiting for, but she does know that she's bored and she's only been there for a few hours at most. The sky looks dark, threatening rain and soon rain starts to fall onto the windows.
  She rolls her eyes as another cup of espresso is placed in front of her. She sends them a smile before she takes a sip. Man, is she glad that she's in there where it's nice and warm.
  The bell on the door rings, and her (e/c) orbs slide over to a man standing behind her. He has golden eyes, black hair, and-wait, isn't he the guy she ran into yesterday? He sits in the booth directly across from her and she swallows, hard.
  "I'm Law," he waits as the waitress puts a cup in front of him before he takes a sip. "You're (Y/n)-ya. Let's skip introductions, shall we?"


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2018 ⏰

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