Chapter 1: Rise of a new Champion

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     The day i was contacted started out very normal, or as normal as i can remember. I woke up to the horrible sound of my alarm taking me from a precious dream. Reaching over to the alarm i had pushed it off the edge of my nightstand before rolling onto my back with a soft groan. Another day of studying. Great. I moved my hands onto my face and let out a louder groan. It was another horrible day doing horrible things. I utterly despised school. It didn't help that  i got almost no sleep whatsoever and that added to my unruly mood. I sat up and stared off into the lonely hallway, my fingers running through my Hazel hair. I let out a soft sigh as i slowly slid my feet off the bed, the rest of my body following. I eventually got up and i began to go over the things i had to do, slowly making my way to the bathroom. Slowly.


      I had made it to the bathroom only to find it was locked, someone had gotten to it before me. Damn. I curled my fingers into a fist and lifted my arm up about ready to slam it onto the door before it swung open, a man stared down at me in shock. He was a bit taller than i was with blonde hair and blue eyes or maybe green. I was never able to tell. He was a bit pale and a bit scrawny and, i'll be honest, a bit attractive. I stared up at him and gave an awkward smile as i lowered my fist "Uhm..." i couldn't think of a good excuse as to why i was going to try and knock the door down so all i could do was make the same noise over and over again. The man tilted his head slightly and gave me a smile, placing his hand on my head. "Now come Serenity, you weren't about to be impatient with me were you?" His voice was absolutely  gorgeous, there's no possible way for me to explain it. He had a mildly deep voice but it wasn't so deep that you couldn't hear him. It was just right. I continued to stare up at him as i felt my face begin to get warmer "I...uhm...I-i'm sorry Eli i didn't know you there...and stuff" i said softly, looking down at my shoes like some embarrassed schoolgirl. Wait. That's exactly what i was; an embarrassed schoolgirl.

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