Chapter Seven: Starbucks and Superman

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Danielle's POV:

We had just finished watching the boys being interviewed on Ellen when Eleanor suddenly insisted that we go to Starbucks. That girl, and Starbucks, I swear.

I nodded my head disapprovingly, "We'll have to get some bodyguards to come with us."

She grabbed my arm protesting, "It's just across the street!"

"Yeah let's go!" Perrie whined.

I sighed and slid on a sheer white blouse and some nude pumps. Eleanor was practically dragging me into the elevator and Ali was leaning up against the silver elevator walls. Perrie pushed the lobby and the four of us waited as the elevator went down. There were downsides to staying in the presidential suite on the 53rd floor... One of them being the long elevator wait...

When we finally got to the lobby Ali made sure to go over and tell the receptionist we were going out and that we needed more room keys (the boys had taken all of ours.)

The four of us clicked our heels in a straight line as we burst out of the grand hotel. I couldn't help but look down at the three of them and think about how much has changed. I used to be just Danielle, and well established back up dancer never in the spotlight. But now I'm Danielle, Liam Payne's girlfriend. It kind of sucks always getting labeled with Liam, but in a way I also love seeing my name next to his. Now I'm staying in the nicest hotels, have one of the most sought after boyfriends in the world, an awesome wardrobe, and three bestfriends going through it all with me. It was incredible. And all because I fell in love, sounds like a fairy tale? I smiled to myself.

We walked across the street quickly and I started to see young girls pointing at us. I put my head down. We were in front of pinkberry, the entrance to Starbucks was still a couple shops away. Everything happened to fast.

A younger fangirl wandered up to us, shoving a pen in my face and sweetly asking me to sign her notepad.

"Sorry, I'm not famous. I don't give autographs." I began to explain. I looked up and several other girls had began to surround us. I could feel someone pulling on my frizzy locks from behind and began to panic. We were surrounded! Perrie was giving me a desperate look a couple girls away. I began shoving my way around but it was so crowded. People were pulling me and yelling in my ear.

Girls began shoving into me I could feel my cardigan ripping. "Get the fuck away from me!" I screamed, fishing my iPhone out of my pocket.

I put my iphone up to my ear, and immediately I was slammed forward. I could hear my phone shatter against the concrete. I began stumbling around in my heels trying to shove my way through. It seemed hopeless. Suddenly a strong arm wrapped around me. I looked up thinking it was one of the bodyguards, but it was Liam. I clung to him breathing in his scent, as he dragged me through the mob.

The girls were shrieking even louder screaming and video taping the boys. I could see Zayn practically carrying Perrie in the corner of my eye and I could hear Louis screaming cuss words and pitching someone somewhere to my left. I was immediately shoved into a limo.

"I'll be right back babe, I'm gonna go help Louis get Eleanor." Liam muttered, clearly angry with the situation. He kissed my forehead, wandering back into the mass. Ali was already in the limo. Her hair was everywhere, she had a giant slit in her skinny jeans and she looked frazzled.

"Can I see your phone babe? Mine shattered in the mob." She nodded, handing me her bling encased iPhone.

"I just wanted some Starbucks!" Eleanor sobbed as Louis sat her down.

"It okay babe! Superman to the rescue!" Louis instantly ripped his shirt open to reveal a superman tshirt... We all looked at him stangely and Eleanor pulled him closer to her, sobbing into his chest. I clicked on Ali's twitter icon.

"#1Dmob, '1D rescues girlfriends' and #crazyfangirls are already trending worldwide." I stated. I wasn't really surprised. I quickly composed a tweet on Ali's twitter.

@alimcginley1: "It's @daniellepeazer. My phone was shattered in the mob. 140 characters can't explain my anger."

A few moments after that the rest of the boys and Perrie were shoved in the car. Perrie had a giant bruise on her cheek and was sobbing hysterically.

"Paul said that we'll be in here for a while. The fangirls blocked the road. Bodyguards are shoving them out of the way but it will take a while." Zayn informed us. We all groaned. I kicked my feet up on Liam's lap. Luckily, Liam had his laptop in the limo so we began watching YouTube videos trying to  lighten the mood.

The laptop began buzzing as Liam received a Skype call request from Simon. He clicked accept and everyone huddled around the laptop.

"What the hell was that?! The press is going crazy! Videos of you all cussing and shoving at the fans  are already viral. Louis did you really have to punch that eleven year old? Do I have to do everything around here?!" Simon boomed.

"Girls. Always being bodyguards around with you. I'm very disappointed with you all." He finished clicked the Skype call off. We all sat there silently. Still in shock with the whole incident. Niall was rocking around in the corner being the baby penguin that he is. A few moments later the limo began moving. Finally! We made our way back up to the 53rd floor.

I wandered over to the window and watched as the fangirls began wandering off, but there were still clutters of fangirls Sparsely on the avenue.

Does this mean I don't get my Starbucks?" Eleanor pouted.

I watched out the window as another limo pulled up to the hotel and a young blonde girl got out. I recognized her as the actress that got interviewed before the boys this morning on Ellen.

I motioned Harry over, pointing at her.

"She must be staying at the hotel." He shrugged. But, there was something in his eyes. I could tell he was excited.

"I'm going down to the lobby to get snacks!" Harry suddenly announced.

"Snacks?" I muttered. "Definitely going to get snacks and not to greet the pretty blonde actress checking in." I teased sarcastically, elbowing him. His sea green eyes traced her from the window as she entered the hotel.

A/N: I had to rewrite the second half of this chapter. So I was kind of pissed and it's probably not as good as the original I wrote. So sorry about that. Rewriting sucks. Also I know in the beginning I had a lot of switching POVs. But, that was just to get the story started. From now on it will only be told in the perspectives of Harry, Ashlie, and Danielle.

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