A silence fell over the room.

Would it be worth it? I mean... Argh! Godammit...

"Fine." I heard myself growl.

"Levy!" I heard Lucy cry.

I have her a puppy eyed glance. "Pleeeease Lu-chan! We'll probably sound terrible together! Please!"

"Fine." She sighed.

After a bit if groaning and growling everyone agreed.

"Great!" Beamed Ultear. "Let's go to the recording room!"


When I walked into the room I thought I was seeing double. 2 drums, 2 guitars, 2 bases, 2 mics, a piano and a mini mic were the only none repeated thing in the room.

"Lets do something we all know." Smiled Ultear. "What about 'Just give me a reason'?"

"Uh, sure." I heard Lucy reply.

Damn it. We sounded really good.

Lucy was singing sweetly, but she was passionate at the same time. Natsu matched her passion, note for note.

Me and Gajeel pounded the drums at the same time. Aries and Loke danced as if there was no tomorrow. Jellal and Erza seemed so at home, playing their mellow tones instruments and even Juvia and Gray were smiling.

Lucy took a deep breath and began singing.

Right from the start

You were a thief

You stole my heart

And I your willing victim

While her singing was amazing, I couldn't help but notice she made a point of singing that line while looking anywhere else but at Natsu.

I let you see the parts of me

That weren't all that pretty

And with every touch you fixed them

I could see Juvia's fingers itching to pluck her strings, and as I looked to her left, I saw Gray doing the same thing.

Now you've been talking in your sleep, oh, oh

Things you never say to me, oh, oh

Tell me that you've had enough

Of our love, our love

For some reason Erza's expression seemed rather... Sad. Well, mine did as well, because of Lucy's powerful singing but hers was a... Deep sadness, like she was thinking of a sad memory.

Just give me a reason

Just a little bit's enough

Just a second we're not broken just bent

And we can learn to love again

As Lucy sang those lines I could see a sad desperateness in her eyes, that I knew was in my own. It was the look one has when asking someone they love not to leave. Huh, that was odd... Some of the boys had that look as well... Pfft. What did they know about suffering? Nothing.

It's in the stars

It's been written in the scars on our hearts

We're not broken just bent

And we can learn to love again

As Lucy finished her line she turned to Natsu with a determined glint in her eye, as if saying 'beat that'. Ha, I'd like to see him try.

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