Chapter Eleven

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Your face went red.
"How much have you seen?" Your ears went down and Grell smiled.
"All of it!" Your face went red.
"PEEEERRRVEEEEERTTT!!!!!" You yelled and threw the reaper out of the window, shutting it just as he slammed against it in a failed attempt to get back in. You drew the curtains and walked out with a huff. Better go help Sebastian make breakfast. You thought, heading to the kitchen.
"Ah. F/n. Use your talent and season the eggs. Cook, too." Sebastian said, stirring batter.
"Fine." You said glumly, taking out the spices.
"I understand you had an incident with Mister Sutcliff this morning, F/n." Sebastian said, still mixing the batter. Your face went red. "I know everything that happened." Sebastian added, glancing at you with a smug smirk. Your tail lashed.
"You aren't supposed to know that." You said darkly. Suddenly you sat and pinned against the wall, sitting on the counter with Sebastian holding you down. "Let me go!" You hissed as he smirked.
"But If I didn't know everything that happens in my young Master's manor, then what kind of butler would I be?" Sebastian said, tipping his head to the side.
"Let me go!" You said angrily, a blush on your face and ears flat. Your tail thumped on the counter as it lashed.
"Oh, but I can't obey a defiant little kitten, F/n. That would be rewarding you for your bad behaviors~" Sebastian said, leaning closer. You groaned angrily and pulled the most innocent face you could muster. You purred softly and nuzzled Sebastian's neck, pulling away.
"Meew. Can you please let me go?" You said with a cute voice. Sebastian let out a slight tint of red and kisses your cheek before letting you go. You got down and looked at him with an annoyed look, showing no resemblance of the person you were seconds ago. You went back to spicing the eggs, and stirred them when you felt hands around your waist from behind. Your ear flicked in annoyance. "Sebastian. Let me go." You said with ice in your voice. Sebastian nuzzled your face, letting his hands go upward until he squeezed your *cough* breasts *cough*. You suddenly went tense and gripped his hands with a huge force, pulling them off of your breasts.
"They're so big...." You suddenly turned around, attempting to smack him but being stopped swiftly with his arm. You hissed with annoyance and finished the Young Masters breakfast, serving it with tea.
"Did you spice the eggs, F/n?" Ciel said, seeming pleasured.
"Yes, Master." You said as he looked at you in approval, turning to Sebastian.
"Sebastian. Make sure F/n spices things and makes my tea." Sebastian nodded.
"Yes, my Lord." He said, giving you a deeply amused look. You pointedly looked away, flattening your ears.

Stained Red (Grell x Neko! Reader x Sebastian)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن