Chapter Four

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"Meew!" You blushed and turned around, blushing like crazy. You heard a chuckle behind you.
"Don't turn around. I'm changing." Sebastian said behind you, causing you to blush even more. Suddenly you felt hands around your waist. "You can look now." Sebastian whispered and you turned around, seeing that he was shirtless and officially almost gave you a nosebleed. Sebastian took your hand and laid you in bed, lying next to you and blowing out the candles.

~In the morning~

"F/n, wake up." You groaned and turned over.
"Sebastian let me sleep in just a bit!"
"Fine. When you decide to get up get dressed and meet me in the kitchen." You yawned, stretching your ears.
"Okay." You heard Sebastian leave the room and you finally got up and got dressed. As soon as you went into the hallway, a red blur you had identified as Grell stopped you. "What are YOU doing here?" You asked.
"I came to visit my darling f/n~~~" You blushed.
"I thought you liked 'Bassy'." You said crossly.
"That old rat? I never liked him anyway, dear." Grell adjusted his glasses and pounced on you, making you both fall to the ground.
"Hey! Grell!" You blushed and struggled until he pressed his lips against yours. You seemingly melted and kissed back, snaking your arms around his neck. You pricked your ears and gasped for air when Grell pulled away and helped you up.
"Gotta go. See you later, f/n- chan!" He waved and jumped out the window as Sebastian walked out of the kitchen.
"There you are, f/n!" Sebastian pulled you to the kitchen and didn't notice the bright blush on your cheeks.

A/N: So sorry This chapter was short!! Ill update more I promise!!!! I've been busy with some stuff!

Grell-- I LOVE YOU F/N- CHAN!!!!!!

Me-- GRELL!!!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!! *attacks him*


Sebastian-- I don't think that's nessassary. *watches with amusement* Now he knows what it's like to be me.

Stained Red (Grell x Neko! Reader x Sebastian)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin