Chapter Nine

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You woke up with the red head still clinging to you. You blushed and wrenched out of him arms before grabbing his hands and dragging him off the bed. Grell grunted as he hit the floor with a loud thump.

"F/n...! My face!" Grell whined. You rolled your eyes and poked his cheek.

"If you sleep with me more it just won't be a pain. It will be a bruise on your face." You watched as he got up, suddenly rushing forward to hug you.

"Your so cold. Such a cruel beauty." You blushed and pulled him off of you.

"Can you leave...?"

"I will NEVER leave my sweet f/n!" Grell said, smiling at you.

"Well today you have to. Bye." You said as you shoved him outside and got dressed. You walked to the kitchen and started making breakfast for Master Ciel until Sebastian walked in smirking.

"Hello f/n."

"Hi Sebastian." You slid the pan in the oven and took out tea.

"Well, I guess I won't be cooking this morning, so I'm on break for a bit." Sebastian said, kissing the top of your head and leaving. You blushed and finished breakfast, taking it to the Young Master.

"Where is Sebastian?" Ciel asked as you set his plate in front of him.

"I beat him to the kitchen, Young Master." Ciel smirked.

"I can't believe Sebastian got beaten by a girl at something he has to do every morning." You smirked.

"Never underestimate a girl, Young Master." You said playfully and finished pouring his tea.

"I suppose I shouldn't." Ciel responded sipping his tea with a gleam in his eye. "F/n?"

"Yes, Master?"

"I want you to make me tea in place of Sebastian." You made a faint smile.

Sebastian was either going to be angry or elated about this one.

"Yes, My Lord." You said as he finished breakfast.

<Time Skip brought to you by chocolate! It makes you happy, it makes you sexy, and it makes you fat! But we don't care about that! XD>

You finished Ciel's afternoon tea and was walking through the halls until a pair of hands locked around your waist.

"So is this true, f/n~?" Sebastian asked from behind you.

"What are you talking about?" You asked sweat dropping.

"You get to make the Young Master's tea instead of me." Sebastian responded. You went cold. How was he going to take this?


Me-- Hi guys! Just some input cause I seriously can't decide. Do you think Sebby should be mad or happy? COMMENT.

Grell-- *tape comes off of mouth* I LOVE YOU F/N- CHANNN!!!!!!!!!!!

Me-- Aw dang it. Sebastian! We have a leak!

Sebby-- *walks forward and puts more tape on Grell's mouth and re- fastens the ropes*

Me-- HEHEHE. I HAVE GRELL ALL TO MYSELF!!! *leaps and clings on


Kushina-- Nessa! You jerk! *facepalm*

Me-- It's TRUE LOVE.

Sebby & Kushina-- *give me a 'really?!' look and roll their eyes*

Me-- OKAI GUYS BAII!!!! *RED curtians close*.

Stained Red (Grell x Neko! Reader x Sebastian)Where stories live. Discover now