Thank you!

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Wow,that was a journey,this has probably been one of my favourite books to write in a long time,and probably my proudest too.

640 reads at the time of writing this,which is mind-blowing to me because this started off as a simple Jekyll and Hyde with a twist story but without the negative voice it's positive and obviously with Kostya and Mélovin instead of Jekyll and Hyde.

But its become a lot more to me,I've had many people tell me that it's motivated them and that it's cheered them up and that means the world to me,it really does,I am just a young blogger and  writer from the UK,and the support has made me feel worth something more.

Thank you to Mélovin (of course) for being an inspiration I guess 😂 (if you are reading this or  one of your team is then tell him I said hi and that you/he needs to do a UK tour one day and that I love him and his music so much,it's very inspiring and has kept me going)

A massive thank you to everyone who has read,commented,liked or shared the book ,I love you all so so much for being so loving and kind and incredible ,I cannot thank you enough ,you are amazing and I bow down to you all for taking time to read this book,you keep me going.

Thank you and I love you all x

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