and i almost had to pay the price

78 8 4

Vmhhh vmhhh

Ding ding ding

Ring ring ring.

His head pounded like a drum that morning,throbbing and sore.

How much did he drink last night?

What happened last night?

All he remembered was performing and then everything else was just a blur of cheers and bright colours.

It must have been good if he can't remember much.

Suddenly his hotel room door bursts open.

'KOSTYA BORCHOROV I HAVE CALLED YOU 18 TIMES!' His manager shouted loudly causing him to groan loudly.

She didn't look happy at all.

'I just woke up what happened last night?' He asks groggily rubbing his face and running a hand through his messy black hair.

'YOU REVEALED MELOVIN,YOU SAID YOU HAD VOICES IN YOUR BLOODY HEAD!' She shouted getting increasingly angry by the second.

'So?' He says yawning.

'THIS COULD RUIN EVERYTHING FOR YOU!' She yells angrily red riding from her neck to her face.

'everyone was drunk,calm down no one remembers it I bet' He says laying back on the bed.

'well someone got a video of it Kostya,so don't get all smart and lazy with me' She says.

'good thing people knew you were drunk right? ' She mocks.

'hurry up and get ready youve got an interview in an hour,you are going to fix this Kostya,and you better do it quick!' She snaps walking out and slamming the door behind her.

Loose lips sink ships .

(a/n: Apologies for the wait not been feeling like a top bananna today,thank you for the continued support I love you all my burning pianos 🖤)

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