Gabe is a total a**hole in this one

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Hi. My name is Perseus Jackson, but just call me Percy. Im seven years old and i have no idea what is wrong with me or where im going.

My mommy, Sally Jackson...well she died the other day. She died because of my step-dad. But he wouldnt tell anybody what happened. He was being a big meany and he hit her. I learned in first grade that guys aren't supposed to hit girls.

Maybe Gabe dropped out of first grade.

But Gabe hit her so hard that she started bleeding. And then he started yelling at me and i got scared that he was going to hit me too. So i ran to my room and i locked the door like my Mommy always told me to when i got scared of Gabe.

By the time I came out of my room, there were these men there. Gabe was telling them stories about a broken vase, and he said that my mommy tripped on one of my cars and hit her head on the coffee table, and then the vase fell on her head.

I went up to the man next to him. He was a police officer, i learned that in Kindergarten. I tugged on his shirt. He was really tall.

"Um, Mr. Police officer, sir?" I said, polietly like i had learned from my mommy.

"Yeah kid?" He asked. He was poliet back so he must not have dropped out of first grade like Smelly Gabe. He said it nicely, but his eyes looked at me all sad.

"Well...when is my mommy gonna wake up? I mean..i know Gabe hit her pretty hard but she always wakes up afterwards. Sometimes she had a blue eye," i pointed at my own eye "but she always tells me shes fine."

The police officer looked at me and then looked at Smelly Gabe. He started asking Gabe questions, but he sounded really mad. Smelly Gabe looked at me and he looked really mad. But he was nice to the police officer.

Why wasnt he ever nice to me? Or mommy?

That was when the police man glared at Smelly Gabe, leaned down to eye level with me, and explained it all. He said that mommy had it her head on the coffee table and she was...dead.

Thinking about it i started crying. All i know right now is that Smelly Gabe is driving me to Virginia. He doesnt want to take care of me now that mommy is gone, so hes taking me to some friend of his. I don't know the friend, but if they like Gabe, they must be pretty smelly too. I dont want to live with another smelly person.

So I'm gonna run away.

Dont believe me? Just watch.

Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase: Never As Simple As It SeemsWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu