Three Years Later

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Sean's POV
Its been three years since I've seen Aph and I'm nervous to see her again. I was transforming for half the time and in physical therapy the rest of the time. I hope she doesn't think I look weird. I hopped off the plane that came from Midnight Ruby Rehabilitation Camp and looked around for Bob and Wade. Once I found them I walked over to greet them. "H-hey guys!" I shouted. I got their attention and they looked at me with shock. "Jack! You're alive!" They yelled in unison. I laughed and ran to them, throwing us into a hug. When we parted the hug I looked at the ground embarrassed of what I look like. Bob and Wade reassured me and then took me to the car. I sat in the back and concentrated on putting my ears away. It worked and I just sat there looking out the window at the scenery. They turned on the radio and I finally relaxed a little.

We stopped outside of my house but Aph's car wasn't there. "We'll be right back, Jack. We need to grab your suitcases." Bob said getting out of the car. "Wait suitcases? Where am I going?" I asked. "Aph's dad bought you a ticket to Moonlight Resort. We have all of your stuff packed up." Wade explained to me. "What about Aph?" I asked concerned. "She is already there waiting for you." Wade told me. I was relieved to know that Aph was OK. I waited in the car until Bob came out with three suitcases. Wade hopped out and helped Bob with them while I sat in the car playing on my phone. They got back into the car and we drove to the airport. Aph's father was waiting outside for us and there was a plane next to him. "Jack, my boy! How are you?" He greeted me. "I am amazing! How about you, Derek?" I asked. "I'm very good today. Now, how about we get on my plane. Its a private plane so no one but you, me, Bob, and Wade will be on there. Oh and the pilot." He exclaimed. We walked on board the plane and I took a seat in front of Derek. I stared out the window and soon we were taking off.

After about four hours, I started to see the parks from here. Moonlight Resort is split up into seven parts. The seventh part is the main resort. The plane landed and we all got off with our cases. I walked off the steps and found a woman that looked like Aph. "Hey, Maria, come here and meet Jack, Aph's boyfriend." Derek called to a woman. The woman walked towards us and we shook hands. "I thought Aph turned you." She said. "She did, I just put them away until we got here." I said shaking my head and then my green ears and tail popped out. "Wow, usually people who are turned have gray, black, or white colored ears." She explained. Derek took me to a large house and let me inside. "This is yours and Aph's house. You will be staying here for the entire summer so you'll have plenty of time to do everything in the park." He explained. "Don't you think this is a little big for two people?" I asked amazed at the size of the house. "Oh its not just you and Aph. Come, follow me." He said leading me up to the roof. Everyone was there, everyone except Aph. "Hey, Jack!!" Everyone yelled startling me. I jumped back and laughed. "Wow! Guys why are you here?" I asked still shocked. "We're all here to support you and Aph while you guys adjust to each other after the three years of being apart." Amy explained. I gave her a smile and my tail started to wag with excitement. She smiled back and I looked down in embarrassment.

My ear twitched telling me someone was here that I didn't want to be. I looked around the group of friends and found Mark. "Hey buddy. How are you feeling?" Mark asked nervously. "Will everyone please excuse me and Mark?" I asked politely. Everyone left and it was just me and Mark. "Why are you here?!" I asked angrily. "Thanks to your stunt at Aph's birthday party, I'm this!! A werewolf!!" I yelled at him. "I'm here to apologize for everything to you and Aph in person." He said sadly. "I'm sorry but I don't want to see you near Aph." I explained before leaving. I left him there in sorrow of what he's done to our friendship. I went down to mine and Aph's room and put my clothes in the dresser. I heard a knock on the door. "Yes? Who is it?" I asked. "Its just me, Marzia." She said. "You may come in." I granted. She came in and looked at me curiously. "You want to touch them, don't you?" I asked nervously. She nodded and I gave her permission to touch my ears. She laughed at how fluffy they were and my ears were still a little sensitive. I pulled away and she sat on the bed. "Do you need help with anything while you're settling in?" Marzia asked. "No but I have a question. Where's Aph?" I asked curiously. "Oh you get to find her yourself. But here's a hint: check near the beach." She told me. I nodded and left the room, Marzia trailing behind me.

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