The Stares

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- Aph and Scarlett enter the classroom -

Scarlett: - whispers - there staring at me Aph

Aph: You'll get use to it with me because I've never done before either

Scarlett: OK

Teacher: Well, you two are late, why?

Aph: We had complications, sorry ma'am

Scarlett: Yeah that's it, now let's sit somewhere

- peers start to whisper to each other -

Peer: -whispers to neighbor - Why are they wearing those? They look weird.

Aph: - whispers to Scarlett - Hey, babe, it's OK just don't listen to them.

Scarlett: OK I'll try

- after class -

Scarlett: I need to go to my locker

Aph: OK I'll be to your locker in a minute

- at locker -

Scarlett: - hums -

Peers: Why do you where those?! You look weird with them on.

Scarlett: - ignores them -

Peers: Hey! We're talking to you! - pulls hair -

Scarlett: Ow! What was that for?!

Peers: You ignored us! Now, answer our question!

- Aph sees the fighting and runs to Scarlett -

Aph: Hey what's going on?

Scarlett: These boys pulled my hair and won't leave me alone.

Aph: Now, I suggest you boys leave before you get reported

Peers: And what are you going to do if we don't?!

Aph: You don't want to know

Peers: Now we do!

Aph: - growls - Back away from my girlfriend!!

Peers: OK! - runs off -

Scarlett: You didn't have to do that, you know.

Aph: I'm supposed too, it's my job.

Scarlett: Well, thanks babe

Aph: No prob.

Aph: Now, come on, let's get to our next class

We got to our next class and still had stares but the professor told them to stop staring and pay attention to the lesson. Me and Scar couldn't help but laugh at the professor's clothes because they looked so old school and his hair was flopping around every time he demonstrated a person in history. After class, we bursted out laughing so hard our faces turned red. We didn't get stared at the rest of the day which made me happy but we did have issues with those peers from earlier.

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