Im baack!

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Fuck! I said

Scarlett's POV
I was cooking dinner when a knock on the door was heard. I went to the door and looked through the peep hole. I sighed. "Its just Lucian." I said to myself. I've been paranoid for the past couple days. I slowly unlocked the door and opened it to reveal Lucian. "H-hey Lucian." I stuttered. "Hey! Just wanted to come over and see how your doing!" She exclaimed. "Thanks Lucy" I said blankly.

"Hey, are you OK?" Lucian asked. "Y-yeah I'm fine." I said looking at the floor. She pulled my face by the chin and we looked into each others eyes. Lucian got closer to my face until our lips were centimeters away from each other. When she kissed me, I tried to pull away but she wouldn't let me. When we parted, I turned to see Aph on the stairs. I knew exactly what that meant. She witnessed the entire thing. She ran upstairs, crying.

I turned to Lucian with a look of hate in my eyes. "Get out of my house, Lucian." I said fighting the tears trying to escape. "I'm so sorry, Scarlett." She said. "I said GET OUT!!" I yelled still fighting my tears. "O-ok." She finally said and left. I slammed my fists down on the glass table and shattered it. I had pieces of glass in my hands but I didn't care.

Aph's POV
What I saw was unbelievable. That girl kissed Scarlett! I was so pissed off that I didn't want to face Scar. "That woman saw the ring and still kissed her!!" I yelled. I continuously punched the wall. Eventually, I ended up punching four holes in the wall. My eyes were mostly black with red right now. I felt tears running down my cheeks and I started to cry into my pillow. I fell asleep while I cried and my eyes were still the same color.

Aph's dream
I'm still crying and I'm in the darkness. "Hellooo!" Psycho chimed. "Why me!!?? Why do you take over me?! I just want to live normal!" I yelled while still crying. "Well you can't !" Psycho yelled back at me. "What do you want from me?" I said after I calmed down. I forgot my eyes were still black and Psycho stared deep in them. She didn't scream bloody murder or fall in pain. "Your eyes don't affect me, Aph." She said calmly. "You haven't answered my question." I said getting irritated. "I want you to DIE!!" Psycho snapped her fingers and a knife started to cut me. I was tied up so I couldn't do anything to help myself.

The knife started to cut the area of my right eye. I screamed in pain as she continued to cut. The first minute I was being cut then the next minute, I had pure white wings with blue at the tips. I ripped the ropes and started to hover. I took this time to lung towards Psycho blast her with my powers. She was knocked backwards and jumped toward me. She scratched me but when I looked at it, it was completely healed. I lunged at Psycho and...

Aph's POV
I shot up from my pillow and felt my eye. I took my hand from and saw blood on it. I went to my bathroom and cleaned it up. I finally found my bandana and wrapped my eyes. I searched through my closet and found my giant Fairy Tail poster and covered the holes in the wall. I grabbed a new shirt from my closet and went back to the bathroom. I took off my shirt and saw blood drenching the back off it. I turned around and saw my back was cut open. "I guess my dreams effect my reality." I said to myself.

Scarlett brought me some dinner and when I opened the door, she blushed because I didn't put my shirt on. She had shock in her eye's when she saw blood dripping from my back. She turned me around and saw the cut. "Did you do this yourself?" She asked worriedly. "N-no I didn't." I stated. Tears formed in her eyes and I turned back around. I grabbed my plate of food and closed the door. I put the plate on my bed and went back to the bathroom. I grabbed my sewing kit and put stitches in my back to close the wound. It hurt and it was sensitive but I dealt with it.

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