I didn't know that he cares about me this much. Why do I feel like he has got more anxiety than I have? It is kind of sweet though. I looked up to him while we were walking side by side, and saw that he's muttering something I couldn't understand.

I'm still pissed that I don't get to see that.

We went to the car and Sean gently pushed me in the passanger's seat. He bent down to put the seatbelt on me. I looked at him like he was crazy. He noticed it and looked back at me, still bending down. I could smell his fragrance. Our noses were only inches apart. To say that I'm not even a bit nervous is a pure lie.

He raised his eyebrows, as if asking me 'what?'.

"Do you really have to do this?" I asked, trying my best not to show the nervousness inside of me. I nodded over the seatbelt so he could understand what I meant. He gave me a smirk, which I did not expect coming from him at a time like this, and I could feel my heartbeats increases.

"It's for your safety."

"Yea but I can do it on my own just fine."

"Oh really? But I've never seen you wear it before, when you got into my car."

"..It's uncomfy.." I whispered, literally to myself, but he still heard it as he raised an eyebrow at me.

I seriously don't like wearing seatbelts. It feels like I'm being trapped and it is suffocating.

"Now, now, be a good girl, okay?" Sean cooed while he patted my head, as if I'm not older than 5. I gave him a death glare and he chuckled, raised his hands up in surrender and backed away from me. Finally.

He closed the door and went to the driver's seat, and in just a blink, we were out from that place.

The ride was followed by some relaxing music. I was enjoying the music while staring out of the window. Suddenly Sean lowered the volume making me look at him.

"Actually, all this time it has been budging my mind.." He started.

"What has?"

"What is the thing that you were searching for earlier?"

Earlier? When?

"At the aquarium." Sean said.

I guess I said it out loud.

"Oh, it was nothing. I was just searching for Patrick."

"Are you kidding."


"You are weird sometimes."

"I know, I'm unique." I said that while flipping off my hair which was resting on my shoulder, to give an impact on how much unique I am.

We finally arrived at our homes and Sean parked his car in his garrage. We came out from it and I thanked Sean for driving me to the aquarium. I also thanked him for trying to cheer me up.

"Did I?"

"Huh?" I asked in confusion.

"Did I cheer you up?"

"Ouhh, you absolutely did! And thank you so much for that." And in reflection, I hugged him. He was taken aback for a moment but then gladly hugged me back. We stayed like that for about 2 minutes before we finally broke it off.

"Well then, see you at school." I waved, bidding him a farewell. He too waved at me and smiled a sincere smile.

"Oh, and by the way." He said before I could start to walk to my house.

"You're cute when you blush." He sent me a playful smirk.

Blush? When did I blush? And then it occurred to me. It was when he was putting the seatbelt on me. My eyes went wide and I quickly ran off to my house, not daring to look back at him.

After I got into my home, I pulled out my phone and saw that I have 2 new messages. They are from Sara. She sent them about 2 hours ago.

Sara: me and Nic are going home now, since you guys are taking too long with your 'hang out'. Thank you for the 'hospitality'.

Sara: you're so going to tell me on what happened between you guys today, okay.


I literally forgot about them.


So so so sorry for taking too long for an update.

You see, I was too caught up with reading other stories that I forgot about my own story. So sorry.

Well then,

Until next time! Xo

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