Untitled Part 2

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Pepper and Tony worked around the kitchen the next morning, both exhausted from a long trip out and Tony was pissed that he had to make the trip back. He hoped he could make his way out before Peter was awake and out of bed, but obviously luck was not on his side as the pitter patter of tiny feet was heard and a sudden lump was attached to his leg. "Mornin' Pete" He sighs a bit, he loved the kid but it was 7.00am.

"Daddddddddddeeeeeeee" Peter's loud excited voice slightly broke his heart, Pepper looked at the two in pity as Tony lifted the toddler up into his arms.

"Hey baby boy, what're you doing up this early?" He asks, the curly haired boy nuzzled into Tony's neck with a small smile.

"Heard da'de and wan'ed hug" He mumbles into Tony's neck. Tony chokes a little and sighs rubbing the boys back. "You's were gone so wan'ed hug" He mumbles, Tony felt his heart break and looked to Pepper pleadingly.

"Oh baby boy, Daddy missed you too but..." He takes a sharp breath in when Peter turns those damn bambi eyes on him with a sniffle. "Oh Pete...I need to go back for just one more day" He never felt like such a jack-ass until this point. 

"Da'de go'way?" He asks a few fat tears rolling down his cheeks and Tony all about retires on the spot. Pepper rolls her eyes and sighs.

"Yeah baby, your daddy has to go to sort some stupid people out at the accords. But you get to spend time with Mommy and Stevie" He tells him. "You can giggle with her as Steve and Bucky get told the 'big news' yeah?" He tries to get him to smile but Peter just sniffles and looks at him.

"No go" He mumbles, his fists starting to tighten on his shirt. Tony thinks fast and kisses the boy on his head before handing him off to Pepper.

"I love you big guy but daddy really has to go work. I promise I'll be back by tomorrow." Tony promised and Peter let out a loud, heart broken sob as his arms stretched out to Tony in a plea to be taken with him. "No baby. I can't bring you, it's really important to me for you to stay here with Mommy" He says sweetly. Pepper gives him a look as she holds Peter closer to her, Tony gives his head a kiss and makes his way to the door. His heart breaking as he hears Peter let out heart broken sobs.

"Da'de! No go! Da'deeeee" He sobbed out, arms stretched out towards Tony. Tony flinched at the sight and blows a kiss to the bow.

"Back in a day" He promises and leaves the house, still hearing Peter beg him to stay.


Pepper held the boy close to her as he sobbed loudly for Tony, her heart breaking a little as he begged for him to stay. "Oh sweet baby boy don't cry" She mumbles, bouncing him. Steve stumbles out of the front room, Bucky on his hip as he takes in the scene.

"Is he ok?" He asks, Bucky looked over in concern as Peter sobbed loudly.

"Yeah, Tony had to leave again and he's just not handling it well." She mumbles bouncing him a bit, Peter sobs more and Bucky lets out a small pitiful whimper. Steve instinctively pulls the boy closer to him and sighs a bit, Pepper smiles apologetically. "He won't admit it but Peter does this kind of thing even as a teenager. I think it's abandonment issues, been like it since you-know-who." She says and Steve nods understandably.

"I gathered. I'll cook if you just keep an eye on them" He says calmly, Pepper smiles a little as Steve sets Bucky in his high chair before she attempts to do the same. The boy refuses to let go and clings to her shirt.

"Pete baby come on, can you be a good boy whilst Stevie makes breaky?" She coo's, Peter clings to her. Letting out another sob as she finally managed to de-tangle his fingers from her shirt and clip him in. Bucky gave the other toddler a knowing look. Pepper smiles apologetically at him as she puts their trays on. "Did you two have fun yesterday?" She asks as she straightens the straps a little. Bucky snorts a bit.

Three week cabin tripTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang