Chapter 3

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The three teenagers entered the Wakefield Asylum and started looking around the entrance. "This is eerie!"Riley said with a devious smile on her face. She was like a kid in a candy store.

"Maybe we should leave." Faith suggested while holding onto her boyfriend's arm.

Quentin squeezed his girlfriend's hand gently and smiled. "Relax babe! I'm not gonna let anything hurt you."

His smile comforted her until all three of them heard a strange noise. "What the fuck was that?" Faith asked in a scared tone.

Riley shook her head and Quentin shrugged, getting ready to jump whatever it was inside that asylum. "Maybe it was the wind." The girl suggested while looking around.

Suddenly, the front door opened and the girls started screaming. Quentin jumped the assailant and shouted. "You're down, bitch!"

"Let me go!" The girls heard the familiar voice and pushed Quentin off the boy. "Jeez, do you really think I would use the front door if I was a killer?"

Riley chuckled. "Dylan, you're probably masking as a normal teen when in reality you're a psycho." She wiggled her eyebrows and laughed.

Faith stood near her boyfriend. "Why are you here?" She asked.

"I know the story of this place but I still need something to make my essay even more legit." Dylan looked at the three of them. "I need proof that experiments were conducted on patients without any sort of consent." He smiled slightly.

Riley whistled while folding her arms across her chest. "Someone here thinks he's Sherlock Holmes." Dylan rolled his eyes and Riley grabbed Faith's hand. "But I'm down for a little extra-curricular adventure." She smirked and Faith chuckled.

Quentin patted Dylan's shoulder and looked at him. "I'm sorry, man, for jumping you and thinking you were gonna murder us."

Dylan raised both his eyebrows. "It's alright, man!"

The four teenagers decided to roam the halls of Wakefield Asylum in hopes of finding the perfect material for their essays. "This is pointless!" Riley pointed out while reading some old newspaper clippings.

Faith heard a few voices and shushed everyone. "I think I hear something." The brunette whispered.

Quentin opened the door and looked around the room. It was dark inside and he couldn't see anything. "I need a flashlight." Dylan handed him one and Faith's boyfriend walked inside the dark room to inspect it.

"Why is Quentin going inside a creepy dark room?" The others turned to the voice and saw Cassie.

Faith and Riley hugged each other while Dylan crossed his arms. "What are you doing here?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

Cassie sighed. "I came with Nick and Brit but they went off somewhere to have sex and dumped me." She looked at the three of them. "Now, why are you here?"

"Research." The two best friends answered in unison.

Quentin came out of the room and shrugged. "That room is clear." He looked at Cassie. "Why are you here?"

Cassie yawned in boredom. "I never stepped inside a haunted place before." She looked around. "It's not as scary as Nick said it would be. Either way, he and Brit decided to wander off, probably to have sex." She eyed Dylan and smirked. "At least I'm with two very attractive guys."

Faith rolled her eyes while Riley smirked in amusement. Cassie was popular but she was also dumb and slightly strange. Maybe her big eyes were too scary for some people.

The five classmates decided to look around the asylum and search for something scandalous to include on their essays. "Do you really believe this place is haunted?" Cassie asked the horror film addict.

Dylan nodded and grabbed a newspaper article. "I believe something really odd happened here and it affects our community." He explained.

Riley scrunched her nose as soon as she spotted a dead rat. "This place looks like shit!" She glanced at Cassie. "Besides, everything affects this fucking boring town."

Suddenly, the gang heard a noise and Quentin stood in front of them in a protective manner. "Don't make a sound!" He ordered while walking towards the entrance.

Faith held onto his arm. "I'm going with you, Q." He nodded and she looked around with her scared green eyes.

The two of them reached the main exit door and something touched Faith's shoulder, making her flinch. Quentin turned around and held the person against the wall. "Dude, it's just me!" Nick was the one who touched the brunette. His girlfriend Brittany was also there and they were giggling. "Chilax a bit." He smirked.

The other three headed in their direction. "I thought you were having sex." Cassie remarked and Brittany rolled her eyes.

"We had sex and now we wanna leave." The blonde replied.

Nick reached for the door and tried to open it. "I think this shit is jammed."

Quentin tried to open the door as well but was unable. "The door won't open." He looked at his girlfriend with worry filled eyes. 

Dylan glanced at the group and sighed. "Don't freak out but I think we're locked inside." The entire group froze thinking about spending an entire night locked inside a clearly haunted and creepy old asylum.

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