Part 1 The interview with Graham Norton

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(Your outfit, makeup and hairdo, if you don't like it you can picture something else)I were sitting in a chair behind the scenes of the Graham Norton show

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(Your outfit, makeup and hairdo, if you don't like it you can picture something else)
I were sitting in a chair behind the scenes of the Graham Norton show. I was really really nervous, I have been on interviews before but this is different than the others. First I'm going to be with other people, second they asked me to give them a friends number so they could get some good questions about my life and if I know Ash (your best friend, they are non-binary) they told them about my crush on Tom Felton. Aghhhhh this is going to be fun but awkward as hell. "Earth to Y/N, hello you're going on set in two minutes" a worker told me. "Sorry got lost in my thoughts" I replied. "That's alright just go over there and wait until they call your name, and when they do go out, wave to the audience and sit down on the couch closest to Graham, okay?" The worker told me. " Yeah okay" I said and got up. This is going to be hard.

"And today we have Y/N with us!" Graham shouted and I got out and did the things the worker told me. I sat down and then he called out the other two that was going to be with us. "And a big applause to Emma Watson!" Graham shouted again. Wait Emma Watson as in Hermoine in Harry Potter!! OMG I think I'm going to faint now I really hope Ash didn't say anything about my HP obsession. "And last but not least Jennifer Aniston" Graham shouted. After everybody found their seats on the couch and the audience had stopped clapping Graham turned to us and looked me in the eyes. " So Y/N, I've talked to your friend and they told me a bit about your childhood," Oh no here goes nothing. "and if I understood them right you had quite a huge Harry Potter obsession, am I right?" Graham asked. No now I'm starting to blush. "Yeah that's right, and I think if my twelve year old self saw me sitting here next to Emma Watson, the actress of Hermoine Granger, I think she would have fainted. I think when I started the obsession I lost half of my friends because I was a nerd but I also got many new friends thanks to Harry Potter",I answered him which made everybody a bit sad but also laugh because of me pointing out that I would have fainted. " I think that was when I discovered my real friends but also when I started acting people who kind of hated me suddenly wanted to be my friends just to get to know famous people and that got me a bit depressed, but after all it turned out well" I said. 

"That's kind of a sad story" Graham said. "Yeah it is but it ended in me sitting here next to freaking EMMA WATSON!" I said in an excited voice."Well it's fun to se such a big actress as you Y/N be so starstruck" Graham said with a giggle. "First of all I'm not starstruck and second of all I'm not that big" I said back to him. "Ohh but you are, everybody who thinks Y/N is a big actress raise your hand" he said and the whole audience raised their hand. This made me blush and laugh.

"Your friend also told me something about a crush on a special someone" he continued. Oh no now the whole world is going to know. "They said something about Felton". Now I started to laugh along with everybody to hide my blush"Yeah when I was a teenager I had this huge crush on Draco when I read the books and it always ended with me and my mom arguing about if he was a good person or not because mom was always on Harry's side. It got worse when I saw the movies and started having a crush on both Draco and Tom. I think if somebody asks my friend Ash about how I was when I was a teenager they would probably bring that up first" I said. "Well I think my friends also would bring up that blond ferret if they ask them about me as a teenager" Emma said. "But you were and still are his friend and I was just this girl from Sweden (pretend that you are from Sweden because it's such an unknown country and I would know that since I live there) that he probably never heard of" I said looking at Emma. "Well you didn't have to suffer trough the pain when he says to interviewers that he sees you as a little sister" she said to me and we both started laughing which mad everybody else laugh. "Well Y/N and Emma you will have to argue about the ferret later after the show" Graham said which made me laugh even more. "Yeah you're probably right, if we continue we may end up using the whole show time to argue" Emma said back to him making me nod my head in agreement .

"You know Y/N I actually got to talk to Tom and..." "No no no no!!!" I almost screamed at him. "Yes yes yes Y/N and he sent ous a video" Graham continued. "Let's watch it" he said and turned to the screen behind him. This is going to be embarrassing.

"Hey everybody what's up" Tom started his video with." I heard someone here got a crush on me when they were younger. Well I'm really flattered, maybe I can get you to join me and my Malfoy Family on the dark side" he joked and everybody laughed. He continued talking on the video so nobody noticed that Tom actually where creeping up behind me and just when the video ended he put his hands on my shoulders. "What are you watching" he asked and all of us jumped and turned around to see who was talking. We all screamed and then started laughing along with him. "Well we are watching a video of you actually" Emma said to him. "You are?" He said back acting surprised. "You knew it so stop acting surprised" she shot back. "You two are acting like an old married couple" Jennifer said to the two people in front of her. I were a little taken back by that. Jennifer hadn't said anything until now. But started laughing when I realised what she had said. "Yeah maybe there actually is a Dramoine story after all" I said making the crowd cheer to my comment. Tom looked up to Graham and asked where he could sit and Graham motioned to the little space that was left between me and him.

The interview continued and after a while I felt myself relax. After a while they brought up the new movie I was going to be in 'Are you really here with me?' and I felt Tom tense up next to me. "So Y/N do you know who is going to play Josh in the movie?" Graham asked. "Actually no, they won't tell me until we start practicing and for you who doesn't know Josh is the guy who's going to be my characters crush" I answered him. " and for what I know is that they aren't going to announce it to the fans until we are done filming." I said. And then we continued the interview and of course they brought up F•R•I•E•N•D•S and asked Jennifer questions about it. I wonder if she ever got tired of everybody asking her about that all the time. Anyways after a while they brought up my Harry Potter obsession again since I was sitting next to EMMA WATSON and TOM FELTON and made me blush more. I don't think I have ever blushed that much in one day." So Y/N can we get a last comment how it feels to sit in the middle between two big Harry Potter stars" Graham asked since it was only like five minutes left of the show. "Well Graham if I'm being honest I can't really wrap it around my head and as I said before if my teenager self saw me sit here she would faint" I said laughing and blushing. What I didn't notice was Tom and Emma giving each other a glance telling each other to do their next move. Suddenly they both wrapped their arms around me and dragged me back until our backs were hitting the couch's back. At first screamed and then we ended up laughing together and sat up straight again. I looked over at Jennifer seeing her laugh at us. "Well that is all the time we got guys" Graham said "have a good night and I'll see you next time!" Graham said looking into the camera.

Now I was standing behind the scenes and I was calling my friend who gave the information to Graham. "Hello" Ash said and I could hear that they were about to laugh. "Hey, did you see the show?" I asked them "Yeah I did" they said. And we started talk about the show and about the things that had happened on it.

End of chapter

Sorry for a short chapter hope you liked it =)

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