Her Dilemma

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*Still Darien's pov*

I knew that after yesterday Serena wouldn't want to go back to school. I wanted her to get some rest and take a break so I called her parents, hoping it would be Ikuko who answered. "Hello?" "Hi Mrs. Tsukino," I said, relieved it was her and not Serena's Dad. "Why hello Darien!" She sounded surprised but pleased, "What makes you call? Serena isn't here." "I know," I replied, "She's at my place with me." "Oh right! She called last night. So..." She trailed off. I spoke, "Is it alright if she stays at my apartment today? She's not feeling up to it. Going to school I mean." I heard her sigh on the other end of the line. "Something's going on, I just know it but whenever I try to talk to her Serena, she walks away or doesn't answer me. I'm really worried to be perfectly honest."

"If I was in a position to tell you what she told me last night I would but it just isn't my place. I'm sorry..." I said with a tinge of regret in my voice. "I know Darien," Ikuko replied, "But to answer your earlier question, yes, she can stay. I'll call her in sick or something." After that I thanked her and hung up. With no immedient need to wake up Serena I decided to make breakfast. I made scrambled eggs and bacon with toast, knowing that's Serena's favorite breakfast meal choice.

Once I finished I called out, "Serena if you're hungry I made breakfast! I even made your favorite!" A moment later she emerged from my bedroom. "Morning Darien." Serena mumbled. Damn, she's so cute when she's half asleep. Suddenly she snapped fully awake. "Shit! I'm going to be so late!" Serena freaked out. I grabbed her by the shoulders. "Calm down Serena. I called your Mom and she said she'd call you in sick or something. I didn't think you'd want to go to school today." Slowly she calmed down. "Okay. Thanks Darien." she said with a faint smile. Finally we sat down to breakfast with hot chocolate. Serena once said she hated coffee and wouldn't kiss me if I had coffee breath so I gave it up just for her. We ate our food in silence only for that silence to be broken by Serena.

"So Rini came back to the past last night." I looked up and said, "Oh?" Serena continued, "When she saw I wasn't home she ended up going off to Lita's." Before I could ask how she knew all this she answered my unspoken question. "Lita texted me. She and Rini are coming over after school."

*Serena's pov*

After I explained everything Darien and I finished eating. "This is amazing." I complimented his cooking, knowing only too well how much pride he took in making breakfast or any meal for that matter, for me. Blushing, Darien replied, "Thanks. I like cooking for you. Making you happy makes me happy." Crap, now I'm the one blushing. Once we were both finished Darien took the dishes and put them in the sink. I got up and went to change into something more comfortable. As I was doing that a frown made it's way on to my face. I confessed all my problems at school to Darien last night. Remembering my problems, I sighed. I took a seat on the bed and thought about things. I'll bet he thinks I'm weak, that I can't stand up for myself. I'm supposed to be Sailor Moon, the champion of justice in a sailor suit damn it! I thought. Without realizing it, I began to cry, tears silently making their way down my face. Once I was done changing I went and got cleaned up.

As I was doing my thing a figure appeared in the doorway. "You alright Serena? Your eyes are puffy and bloodshot." Darien asked, cleary concerned. I sighed, not allowing myself to make eye contact. I knew if I did I'd fall apart. It's like he can make me bare my soul to him without having to do anything but hold me. Finally I spoke up. "I just...Do you think I'm weak Darien? That I can't stand up for myself?" I asked, still keeping my eyes cast downward. His answer was pretty much instant. "What? No! I think you're just afraid to speak up in fear of making everything worse. Another thing, you weak? No way Serena. I think you're the strongest, most kind hearted, caring person I have ever met."

I took in his words, knowing he meant them. "Then why do I feel so damn pathetic? I'm supposed to be a leader but right now? I feel weak Darien. I feel like my life is crumbling down around me and the only thing keeping me from completely breaking is the thought that maybe, just maybe things could get better but they never do." My grip on the vanity tightened as I felt like I might just fall if I let go. Instead of answering me Darien pulled me in to his arms, hugging me tightly. It was as if he felt my pain and sorrow. Once my breathing steadied Darien led me to the couch. For the rest of the morning we just cuddled.

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