However, time was cruel to them. Arthur was told that Frida had to complete her mission outside of England. She had to return to Sweden, where she would collect some data for the organisation besides hunting down more ghouls that were terrorizing the country. Just when she thought that was it, Asmund brought in news that their human father was dying from an incurable disease.

So there she was, standing at the door of Hellsing building with Alucard mirroring her sadness while some men loaded Asmund's and her belongings into a car that would take them to an airport.

Frida slightly tightened her grip while looking into his eyes with her sad, light grey ones. "I do not know." she said tenderly. "I thought that it would take a short while, but now that my father is dying..."  Her gaze went from his crimson eyes to the marble floor, not daring to complete her sentence as she felt a lump in her throat.

Alucard didn't like it when his lover was sad. He placed a finger beneath her chin and gently tilted her head up to make her look at him. "I'm sorry for asking such an inconsiderate question." he murmured.

"No." she responded quietly. "I should be the one who apologises."

He raised a brow at her, clearly confused by that sentence. "Whatever for?"

"I have accepted your feelings for me after so long, and here I am, selfishly leaving you behind." she explained with guilt lacing her tone.

Alucard stared at her for a moment before heaving a sigh, followed by a low chuckle. "Silly woman." he scolded lightly, earning a mild surprise look from his lover. "You are not being selfish. You are just following our Master's orders and going to see your father one last time. I could never be mad with you for doing so. But promise me one thing."

She looked at him in the eyes again and asked, "What is it?"

"Promise me that you will be safe and protect yourself always. I know you're someone who's willing to sacrifice yourself for the safety of others. But there are times when you need to put yours before others." He leaned forward and buried his nose into the crook of her neck, inhaling her scent that had been tempting him to have a taste. "I'd hate it if something bad were to happen to you."

"Alucard." whispered Frida, with her hands placed on the back of his head as she returned the hug.

"Can you hold onto that promise, my love?" he asked.

Without hesitation, she replied, "Yes, I will."

A smirk plastered on his face. "That's my Queen."

"Frida, it's time to go." called Asmund, who was waiting for her at the car.

The said woman pulled away from Alucard before they exchanged a kiss, one that they would cherish the most. "I love you, my Queen." he murmured tenderly.

"And I you, my No Life King." she responded before reluctantly making her way to the car. Right before she entered the backseat, she looked at her lover one last time. Alucard gave her a nod, and she mirrored his action before getting into the car that soon drove away.

That was thirty years ago, and many things had happened while the siblings were away. Arthur believed that Alucard was too powerful, and the latter was sealed and locked in the Hellsing Mansion's dungeon, where Integra, the daughter of Arthur Hellsing who was entrusted as the new head of the Hellsing Organisation, met him due to Richard Hellsing attempting to kill her out of jealousy. After killing her persecutors and deflecting a bullet that was aiming for her, Integra shot and killed her uncle, becoming the last descendant of the Hellsing bloodline.

When Alucard became her servant, she grew more confident and comfortable with her position as head of the Hellsing family and a Knight of the Round Table. Like most newly appointed young leaders, sheexperienced a coming of age, gaining experience and losing her remaining innocence as events unfold and the war began, transforming her into a leader with an iron resolution who didn't flinch at danger and gained wisdom through many losses and betrayals.

While his own Master and the rest grew and changed, Alucard felt stagnant. Sure, his skills had been polished to perfection, after being researched by the Hellsing family for over a hundred years to make him to ultimate weapon. But deep down, he was lonely. How ironic.  A vampire who had been walking around for more than five hundred years felt lonely without his Queen beside him. Truth be told, Alucard found it amusing that it was his first experience having this feeling with Frida, and he didn't like it one bit. He thought he had thrown away his human emotions when he transformed and betrayed God, but it seemed that he was proven wrong. Again.

Back in his basement, Alucard sat in his chair with a glass of wine in his hand. With a bored expression, he lifted the glass up and stared at the blood red alcohol as he recalled his memories with his lover, causing him to heave a sigh.

"When will I ever see you again, my beautiful Queen?" he murmured sadly.

"How about now?" came a familiar silvery voice, causing him to snap his head at its direction. Alucard took a sharp intake of breath, and his eyes widened with surprise. There stood his lover in her favourite off-shoulder green gown. Though thirty years had passed, she hadn't changed, other than her hair that had grown longer. Her scent was the same before she left, and so was the tenderness she showed in her grey eyes.

"Frida." murmured Alucard, who immediately got up from his seat and made his way towards the woman he had not seen for three centuries. When they were close enough, he didn't spare a second to kiss her on the lips, which she gladly returned as she wrapped her arms around his neck while he had his grip on her waist. The loneliness and longing for her presence vanished, for he was glad that she was finally in his arms in a flesh. "You came back." he said when they pulled away.

The said girl smiled. She gently placed a hand on his cheek, and he nuzzled into it. "Yes, I have." she said.

"Alright, love birds!" called Asmund, who was standing at the doorway with a bored expression. "That's enough. Time to go check on the new member."

"We have a new addition to the team?" asked Frida while blinking owlishly. "I didn't know about that."

"She's a police girl that I rescued from the vampire in Cheddar." explained Alucard as he guided her out of the basement, and followed Asmund to the room where the new member was resting.

"Looks like I missed a lot, huh?" muttered Frida.

Her lover merely chuckled at her expression. "I'd gladly tell you all about it, if we have time tonight."

Dracula's Enchantress - Alucard x OC (Hellsing: Ultimate)Where stories live. Discover now