Chapter 22

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( Y/n point of view )

It's been 2 days since Taehyung had been shot and i'm sitting in the hospital  still crying, he passed out in the ambulance and hasn't woke up since. The guys are on there way and I told them to bring me some clothes and I gave them the keys to mine and Taes house.

" Short Time Skip "

The boys came with kiara and Jelly and they handed me my clothes, I went to the bathroom to clean up, when I came out we all sat in silence and just waited.

" 2 hours later "

( Jungkook ) 

Is anyone hungry?

Everyone nodded their head except me I was not hungry I just cared about tae nothing else.

( Suga ) 

Y/n? Hello?

( Y/n ) 

Huh? what?

( Suga ) 

Do you want anything?

( Y/n ) 

Um no i'm fine you guys enjoy 

Alfredo Pasta 

We all looked and it was tae he opened his eyes and looked at us 

( Tae )

Get her Alfredo pasta 

We all looked at him and smiled 

( Suga ) 

Anything for you?

( Tae ) 

Yes! a burger with fries i'm starving 

We all laughed except for me I cracked a smile, they left to get the food and it was just tae and I 

( Y/n ) 

How do you feel?

( Tae ) 

A little pain but not that much 

( Y/n ) 

I should call the doctor 

I called the doctor and he came to check up on him he told us that he was healing fine and that he needs to take it easy and how he can go home in 2 days and to be very careful.

Once the doctor left it was just tae and I again.

( Tae ) 

Y/n you heard the doctor i'm fine so cheer up 

I put a fake smile on my face and lifted my head up.

( Tae ) 

It's not your fault so don't think like that 

( y/n ) 

But it is she's my mom and if it wasn't for me you would be ok

( Tae ) 

Hey I choose to jump in front of that bullet nobody forced me 

I started to tear up and he held my hand.

( Tae ) 

It's not your fault so please don't cry 

The guys walked in and I cleaned my eyes and looked at them and smiled at them 

( Jungkook ) 

We got food 

( Tae ) 

Finally !

I'm Fine ( Save Me ) Book 2 Ff Kim Taehyung ( Complete )Where stories live. Discover now