Chapter 2

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( Tae )

Hey you ok?

She looked up and gave me a smile


Yeah I'm fine why?

( Tae )

Well I had to say bye to our friends by myself so whats wrong?


Well kiara just told me that her and kookie had you know 

( Tae )

Yeah he kinda told me to ( Laughs )

I sat next to her on the bed and looked at her 

( Tae )

Is that why you mad?

( y/n )

No i'm not mad I was just thinking 

( Tae )

Ok what about you thinking about me and you?

She started to laugh and her laugh made me laugh 

( Tae )

Why are you laughing?

( y/n )

Cause this is a weird topic 

I started to laugh and we was just laughing we looked at each other and shook our heads


How about we just skip the topic 

( Tae ) 

Whatever you want ( Chuckles )

( y/n )

Can we just go to bed now?

( Tae )

Whatever you want bae 

She laughs and gives me a peck on my lips and I look at her confused 

( Tae )

You call that a kiss? so where were we earlier?

I moved closer and was about to kiss her but she moved back 


Sorry but we have to go to bed we have our first day of second year tomorrow 

( Tae ) 

Ugh your right 

Y/n got up and grabbed some pj's from her drawer and went to the bathroom to change while she did that I got comfy and waited for her to come 

( Tae ) 

Hey what took you so long?

( y/n )

Nothing just look my time i'm sorry 

( Tae )

Well get your butt over here so we can lay down and go to sleep i'm tired 

( Tae ) 

Ok ok i'm coming 

She comes over and we both cuddle and head to sleep 

( y/n point of view )

I woke up to the sound of my alarm which ment I had to get ready for school and so did tae I got up and took a shower and got ready first then I woke up tae and he got ready when he came downstairs I had breakfast ready so we ate and tae drove us to school once we got there we both got out I was about to walk in when tae pulled me to him and wrapped his arms around me,when I tried to pull away from him his grip got tighter and he pulled me back towards him.

( Tae ) 

What's wrong?

( y/n ) 

What do you mean?

( Tae ) 

You haven't said a word this whole morning 

( y/n )

Well since last night when they told us what they did I kinda started thinking would you leave me cause I wouldn't do it with you 

( Tae )

What that's crazy I love you and if your not ready then i'm fine with that and i'll wait for you no matter how long also we didn't have sex and I proposed to you i'm not dating you so we can do it then i'm gonna leave you i'm dating you cause your  beautiful and amazing and I love you so don't ever think like that ok!?

I started to blush and look away from him he grabbed my chin and directed me to look at him 

( Tae )

I love you and I wouldn't leave you for anything in the world 

I hugged him tight and we stood like that for awhile until we saw kids running to the building we looked at the time and  saw we was gonna be late so we ran to the building and when we got there we went our separate ways cause we have different classes until our 4th class we have

"First class"

I walk into my first class and I see jungkook sitting down at his table so I go up and give him a hug and sit next to him and we have a little chat until class starts.

"Short time skip"

Me and jungkook was working on our project we had to do in class and I decided to bring up the conversation.

I flew through my two classes and was eating outside with kiara and jungkook waiting for tae to come cause he was taking forever while we waited we conversated and by the time we knew it lunch was over and tae never showed which had me a little worried.


So I don't want to start drama between you and tae but who's that girl he's talking to?

I looked over and saw tae laughing with some girl.


I don't know but I'll find out soon

Hey guys sorry I took so long to publish the second chapter its that I was in New York for New Year's and when I came back it was the 2nd and I had school the 3rd and then you know it was a lot so I was really tired and I was relaxing so here's the second chapter I really hope you like it and I'll be publishing chapter 3 hopefully it won't take that long like it did with chapter 2 but I'm really sorry and I hope you guys really like it also I would appreciate it if ya vote send me a comment or text if you want to be in the story I need somebody for the girl that tae was talking to so I'll be more than happy to pick someone to be her also I am so happy that the first book I did reached 608 reads thank you so much I can't believe it I really am greatful for so many people reading my story thank you bye 🖐

I'm Fine ( Save Me ) Book 2 Ff Kim Taehyung ( Complete )Where stories live. Discover now