Chapter ~17~ Mending Relationships

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"He did?" I asked confused. So he does care, but he cares so much he just wants me to be happy? Why do things have to be so difficult?

"Louis, you need to talk everything out. Soon." He said, and I nodded slowly, not wanting to. How was I going to explain my feelings? Liam and Harry would both leave me because of my stupidity.

 "I don't know if I can! I mean, would I be able to get the bloody words out?" I whined, and Zayn laughed.

"You'll know when the time is right." I scowled. Why does he have to be so indirect with his answers? Like seriously! I stuffed my face into a pillow, and screamed, letting all my anger out. Zayn sat there rubbing my back in small circles. I just wanted to slap him away. I'm not a helpless baby, and I can figure this out. Maybe. The doorbell rang, and Perrie came from her kitchen and walked over to the door, opening it up. I looked up from my screaming episode, and squinted to see who was at the door.



Harry's P.O.V

I'm such a screw up. I'm an idiot. I totally ruined everything in less than 5 minutes. That's a new dickhead record for me! I paced my room, about ready to punch anything. I can't believe how stupid I was!

"AHG!" I screamed, smashing a lamp against the floor. I have to admit that felt better. But now the lamp looks all sad.....WHY DO I KEEP RUINING EVERYTHING! I cursed to myself and sat down on the couch. I wish this was all a bad dream, but I know it's not. I mess everything up,  and drive away those close to me. Why can't I just be able to hold things I love for longer than a fucking month. I heard a knock, but I didn't answer. I just want to be alone, so I can't hurt anyone else around me.

"Harry, open up." I heard Niall's voice through the door. I stayed silent, hoping he'd just go away. I heard him backing up, then he busted my door open.

"What the hell Niall?" I yelled, looking at my poor door which was slightly splintered.

"You didn't answer." He only shrugged like it was no big deal. I was gaping at my door, and wondering how the fuck did Niall break it. He's so tiny and fragile. At least I thought so.

"So, what did you do to Louis? Liam went out to find him. And what happened to the lamp?" My head snapped up, and I felt the guilt wash over me.

"I never meant to mess things up. I was just so angry he didn't trust me enough to talk to me. It really hurt, and I acted upon it. I wish I could turn back time. And I smashed it. Ignore it for now." I rocked back and forth, willing myself no to break down.

"Haz, I know. I understand, but Louis was afraid. He went to Zayn's, so Liam is going there. You can talk to Louis and explain everything, and things will be fine." He said, smiling a bit.

"Promise?" I asked, holding out my pinky like a child. I take my pinky promises very seriously. He latched his pink with mine.

"Promise." I grinned, and hugged him.

"Thanks." I said, pulling back.

"You know, I'm really hungry. I wouldn't mind a pizza." He hinted, and I pretended to play dumb.

"Really? Pizza sounds good. Can you order some?" He glared. I put my hands up.

"Okay okay. It's the least I could do for you. You helped me feel a tiny bit better." He grinned, and I got up, heading to the phone.  After I called the nearest pizza place and ordered a pepperoni pizza, I sat next to Niall again who was in the living room, and turned on the TV, flipping to the football game. I didn't pay attention, for I was listening out for the pizza delivery guy/Louis or Liam. The pizza guy came, and I put the box on the table. Niall grabbed for the biggest slice immediately, and I got the smallest one. I wasn't as hungry, so I nibbled on it. Three hours passed until Niall got a call on his cell phone. He left the room leaving my curiosity spiking. What was he talking about? Who called him? Was Louis okay?

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