Chapter 30

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We just landed in North Carolina which means we get a 51 minute layover. I think I might go grab a cup of coffee and something to eat cause I'm starving. As I'm sitting down with Maura I get a text from Jane.

Jane: Hey baby. How's the trip going.

Me: Its going ok I miss you a lot tho.

Jane: I miss you too. Did you guys get to Jacksonville yet?

Me: Nope we're still in North Carolina we have a 51 minute layover.

Jane: Are you alone?

Me: Kind of Maura is the only person with me. We're in the sky lounge waiting for our next flight.

Jane: I'm feeling a little naughty right now.

Me: Now are you detective.

Jane: I miss my baby's cock.

Me: I miss my baby's cunt.

Jane: I can't wait tell this trip is over. I need you home with me.

Me: I know baby. I'll be home before you know it. Hey quick question for you.

Jane: What's up.

Me: Are you and Maura ok. You guys don't seem to be talking that much anymore.

Jane: Yea we're fine she's just been a little up tight lately because of the whole thing with my mother and father. But her and I are ok.

Me: OK I just wanted to make sure. How's Sasha and the baby?

Jane: They're doing good. It's been boring with out you and Maura here.

Me: We'll be home before you know it.

Jane: I hope so. Hey I have to go get ready for work. I'll text you around lunch time.

Me: Ok. Love you baby. Have a good day at work.

Jane: Love you too.

"Hey I got you another cup of coffee." Maura says as she hands me another coffee.

"Thanks." I say as I sip my coffee and look at my phone.

"Everything ok." Maura asks.

"Yea I'm fine just a little worried about you and Jane." I say.

"Jane and I are fine I know it doesn't seem like it because I've been distant lately but that's only because I'm afraid of losing her and because of all the shit going down with Angela and Frank I don't know if she'll be ok or if she'll get hurt again and that's scares the living shit out of me. So in my own dumb way me distancing myself from her is me trying to protect myself from getting hurt and losing someone I care and love deeply." Maura says as she begins to tear up.

"I promise I will keep Jane safe and nothing will happen to her. I get were you're coming from you see I was kind of nervous to go on this trip cause I knew I would see my mentor again. Before I left and moved to Boston Mrs. Cronk and I where out eating a nice lunch when out of no where some random guy walks over to our table and shoots Mrs. Cronk, I was in such a state of shock that I just sat there for a few minutes and didn't even move, it was like every muscle in my body had stiffened. Well after that I kept my distance and every time we would get coffee or try and talk about the shooting I would chock up and look blankly into the room like I was day dreaming and then walk out. I learn during that horrifying time that pushing away the people that mean the most to you does you no good. So I think your best bet in this situation is to talk to Jane about how you're feeling and communicate cause distancing yourself could cause serious strain on your relationship and possible cause you guys to get a divorce." I say as I grab Maura's hand.

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