Happy Time

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Sasha's POV

I'm heading to lunch with Maura. I'm so glad I told Jane everything and she did what she did. If it wasn't for her Maura and I would be close and I wouldn't have my baby girl back in my life.

"Hey mom." Maura says as she walks into the diner.

"It feels so good to hear you call me that." Sasha says as she smiles.

"It's good to have someone to call that." Maura says as she gives her mom a hug.

"So hows Jane and Clarissa." Sasha asks.

"They are doing good. Jane's almost fully recovered." Maura says.

"That's great ." Sasha says as she feels a sharp pain.

"Are you ok?" Maura asks as she walks over to Sasha.

"I think my water just broke." Sasha says.

"Ok lets get you to the hospital." Maura says as she walks Sasha to the car.

" I need to call Piper." Sasha says as she calls Piper.

"Hey baby what's up." Piper says as she answers her phone.

"I'm going into labor you need to get to the hospital quick bring Jane and Clarissa with you." Sasha says.

"Ok I'm heading over there now." Piper says as she hangs up.

"Ahh!" Sasha says as a contraction hits her.

Writers POV

Once Sasha and the gang arrive at the hospital Sasha gets put into a room and gets ready to give birth. After about three hours of pushing Sasha finally gives birth to a very beautiful baby girl.

"God she's so beautiful." Piper says as she holds her baby girl in her arms.

"Have you thought of a name yet." Jane asks.

"Yes. Perrie Louise Alexander." Sasha says as she looks at her family.

"Jane can I talk to you out in the waiting room please." I say as Jane and I walk into the waiting room.

"What's up baby. Is everything ok." Jane says as we sit down.

"Um I don't know. I was told my the commissioner that he needed me to go back to my old high school in Florida. Because there's a big case that the police department is working on and they need help from three other police departments and BPD just happened to get pick so the commissioner picked me for the job." I say as I look Jane in the eyes.

"So what I can't go with you?" Jane asks.

"No you can't the commissioner said it was very classified. I also leave tonight." I say.

"And you couldn't of let me know you where leaving a head a time." Jane says as she raises her voice.

"I just found out like ten minutes ago." I say.

"Well I guess I need to get you home so you can pack and head to the airport." Jane says as she grabs my hand and we walk to the car.

"Jane!" Maura screams as she follows us out to the car.

"What's up Maura. I need to get Clarissa home so she can pack for her trip." Jane says.

"Yea I... that's what I need to talk to you about. I'm leaving tonight as well. They also need another medical examiner for the case and they said since Sasha's on leave I'm the next most qualified." Maura says.

"Ok we'll once you get done packing text me and I'll come pick you up. So we can go to the airport together." Jane says as she gets in the car.

"Ok." Maura says as she walks to her car.

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