Sasuke versus Gaara

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The crowd continued to cheer on the fights as we got deeper into the tornement.

"Next, Sasuke versus Gaara" The proctor said. The crowd cheered louder than they have the rest of the day. The crowd died down as nothing happened.

"Where is Sasuke" Someone cried out from the crowd.

"Sasuke Uchiha failed to show up to the exams on time he is now disqua-" The proctor began to say as Sasuke appeared on the side of the stadium. As he jumped down the crowd roared again as he stood face to face with Gaara.

'Show off' I thought as I walked over to greet him and wish him good luck. As I got closer he noticed me and jumped as far away from me he could.

'That little ass' I growled as I stormed away from him and into the stands. Everyone was on their feet cheering for him, but I just sat there and watched the fight. The fight began slow with Sasuke throwing shurikens and other objects at Gaara. His sand easily blocked all of the of the attacks.

(The fight mostly goes the same until Sasuke uses chidori)

Sasuke ran down the side of the stadium wall with chidori in hand, but something seemed wrong. The lightning was tearing up his arm creating long gashes up him arm.

"Damn this is why I needed to teach him that jutsu" I heard Kakashi whisper. Sasuke continued to run at Gaara who didn't seem to care about Sasuke's on coming attack. As Sasuke reached his fist out with his attack aimed at Gaara's heart the sand on the ground shot up wrapping his wrist stopping the attack in its tracks.

"Submit or I break your arm" Gaara said as he tightened the sands grip on his arm. Sasuke winced in pain, but didn't submit.

"I don't need your blood Sasuke Uchiha. It doesn't have to end badly for you" Gaara said. Sasuke didn't submit so Gaara broke his arm. Sasuke fell to the ground in pain and the battle was called off as Gaara walked off the field. I don't remember when I stood up, but I was now gripping the metal bar in front of me, and gritting my teeth.

'Gaara of the desert I will beat you' I thought

"This will be interesting" The nine tails said in my mindscape

"And why is that Kurama" I asked him

"Gaara is just like you" Kurama said out of his normal sadistic tone "He holds the one tail. You need to be careful around him" He said

"Ah you sound concerned for me" I teased hi

"Shut up kit, or I'll bite your head off" the nine tails snapped at me

"And now your back" I said leaving my mindscape and back into reality. We were now onto the semi finals. I fought a ninja from the sound but the fight ended quickly with me teleporting to them, and kicking them in their gut sending them into the wall.

'How did they pass the first two rounds' I thought as my opponent pushed his glasses back up on his face

"In the semi final battle between Kabuto Yakushi, and Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze the winner is Naruto" The proctor said as the crowd cheered back at me. The other semi final battle was between Gaara and his sister. Gaara's sister gave up allowing him to go to the finals with me. We had one day to prepare for the finals. I went to Ichiraku ramen, and ate until I passed out, litteraly. I woke up in bed with a note on my chest

-You got this in the bag. I am so proud of you. Do your best


I held the note to my chest and smiled

'I got this' I kept cheering to myself as I got ready for the day. I grabbed extra kunai for this fight knowing that this was going to be a tough fight. The battle began at noon, but everyone was there at least an hour before. I passed Gaara on the way to the exams. I smiled at him, but I was met with his desire to kill me

'He is the one tail's host' I thought as the clock neared noon, and me and Gaara walked onto the field.

"Welcome the the Chunin exams final battle" The proctor said. The crowd was deafening as they cheered for both villages.

"Naruto are you ready" The proctor asked. I nodded my head yes. He looked over at Gaara and he just glared at me. The proctor just jumped back and the fight began.

'This is it' I thought as Gaara's sand swirled around the arena. I threw dozens of kunai all around the arena in a large circle.

'let's begin' I thought teleporting away disappearing into thin air


Hi y'all I know that this is a short chapter but I am going to need maybe two chapters or more for this fight.

So I want to start another story while I write this one to give people options about what they want to read. So i am going to be taking a vote, and for those of you who maybe freaking I am not stopping this story I just had a few good ideas for other books, and for me to keep writing and not keep replaying the same fights or scenes in my head, so here I go

Broken kitsune (Sorry if there is another book with the name I am taking name suggestions as well please. I am so unoriginal with names)

Kushina and Minato are having twins and Naruto was born first. When Obito comes to extract the nine tails he uses Naruto as a hostage (Like in anime) Except Minato is unable to same him. Obito releases the nine tails and lets it run rampant throught the village. Minato seals half of the nine tails into Naruto's little sister. As minato tries to seal the other half into himself but the other half of the nine tails is summoned away before the sealing was finished. Obito seals the remaining chakra into Naruto, but the seal is unstable and Naruto runs wild almost killing Obito. Naruto is locked away, and kept away from the world until a team of Genins from the leaf enters the cave he was locked in. How will Naruto react with his family and home life as he tries to tame the beast and integrate back into society

False eyes (Same apology as above :P)

It was a normal day for young Naruto as he finished painting the stone faces of the hokage. The villagers catch him and give him the normal punishments, except one drunk man takes it to far. Naruto Is now blind in one eyes, and can barley see out of the other. Itachi was able to find him before he died and brought him to the hospital. Naruto was to unwell to stay by himself since he had no parents so the Uchiha family took him in. After a few years of living with Itachi and Sasuke and their family Fugaku gets very ill and dies. He has his eyes transplanted into Naruto who he now saw as a son. On a mission Itachi dies leaving Sasuke in a stage of greif thats makes him take revenge. How will Naruto fight his brother with eyes that are not his own.

Death can't hold me(Same apology as above :P)

One October 10th Kushina gave birth to two young boys. Naruto and Menma, but during her labor the nine tails was able to escape. The third hokage sealed one tail of chakra into Kushina to allow her to live and four tails into her two sons. As they both neared the age of two Naruto became very sick do to the nine tails chakra, and ended up dying do to the nine tails taking all of his chakra. Tailed beasts never died, and just seem to appear after many years except this time the host was revived with the beast since he was not whole. It's been ten years since Naruto died, and now no one will believe the young blond claiming that he was Naruto. Even his own parents denies his claims. The boy gives up and goes through stages of depression, and one day almost kills himself again. Jiraiya was able to save the boy and train him. How will Naruto act around his family now that they keep him at arms length. When will they realize that their son is back.

So comment if you would like me to write one of them and if all of them are bad or I am taking someones idea (Sorry I still havent read all of the Naruto fan fics on wattpad) just commet here saying I am a dumb idiot and just keep writing this one

Night Y'all

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