The Eruptions Pt:2

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Going back to June ninth, 2020. The world was great at that point, besides the fact the volcanoes are erupting left and right. The scary part? even the dormant volcanoes were erupting. Most of which were sleeping for millions of years. The continents during this time were all connected as one again and the lava from the volcanoes was just expanding it.

Then the ash and soot from the eruptions started spreading. It was like a fog. It covered the roads, the air, and people. Then one by one, the people got sick from breathing it in.

Their flesh turned grayish-blue and you could see some of their bones. Their eyes were bloodshot and their mouths bloody. They started eating people, whatever was living they could find, even each other. The ash and soot covered the whole earth, it blocked out the sun, it blocked out life.

It had the same effect on animals too, deer wandered into the city and ate rotting bodies.

He had to, we had to. I hated every bit of it. I just Hated it! I knew my chances of surviving were slim, but I tried. And now I realize, I succeeded. It hurt to watch my whole family died, it hurt more to watch my last member die.

I stayed strong for them and I always will. I will always know when they're with me. It gives me a sense of adrenaline. I am my whole family, I am the legacy for my future generations.

I am the whole Ambr family.

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