I woke up with a bump on my forehead where I hit myself. My previous headache had gone, only to be replaced by one from the blow to my head. What was I thinking?!

I got up. It looked at the clock in the room. I had "slept" 2 hours. Ugh! I walked out of my room and sat on the sofa. Benny was playing games. I decide to watch her play. It was fun, I guess...

You know what? Since Benny is a gender fluid name, I'm going to use Benny from now on. I control this story with the power of a thousand suns!!!!

She was playing a Mortal Combat game. I didn't really like those kind of games. I much preferred strategy games, or role playing games, or even card games. Call me a nerd or a geek, I am what I am!

Benny looked over to see me watching her play. Just to be clear, I was watching the screen, not her. A sly smile creeped across her face, but I didn't notice.

She scooted over next to me, embarrassing me, and thus distracting me. She pickpocketed my knife and all other things I had on me. She the. Stopped playing, and walked off. She hid my stuff around the house, but I didn't know that, did I? So I was none the wiser as to why my belongings had disappeared.

I went into the kitchen, oblivious to my lost property, and began to cook lunch. I cooked one steak for each person, and one ground kidney. I wrapped each steak, or collection of ground kidney, in a wrap. I put some salad on the side of every plate, and lay various sauces on the table. I placed everything neatly and wrote a little note above the kidney dish which read: "Kidney Special". I stood back a minute to admire my handy work. I hadn't cooked anything for myself again, and did the same trick as before, pretending to be cleaning my plate off as the others arrived.

The girls came in and sat at the table. One of the girls, I think her alias was Eyeless Jax, sat in front of the kidney special. Unlike the last meal, some of them looked at me, noticing me for the first time since I got here, and looking slightly surprised. Benny smiled and waved at me, Jane mouthed the words "thank you", Jess nodded gruffly in my direction. After the meal itself, Slenda came up to me and actually thanked me for the meal as I was cleaning up everything. I was flustered, of course, and Benny giggled, as if she knew something...

Now, I may be a very shy person, but this has helped me learn how to observe people, read them, so that I can tell when they are lying or not, so that I can have a vague idea of what emotion they are having, and Benny was giving me the impression that she was being mischievous.

That was when I felt that I had none of the belongings I had this morning on me. I panicked, desperately searching for my knife, glasses, and watch. I was short sighted. I didn't use my glasses when killing, or when walking around the house. However, my watch had a sentimental value to me. It was given to me by my one and only friend. The one I had released  orphanage, and later killed. He had given it to me, saying it used to be his father's, and that he thought I was like him in many ways. Apparently, his father was a brave, honest, and just man, and I felt terrible. I wasn't any of those things, but he had given the watch to me all the same. It the only physical object that was really important to be, excluding people and relationships.

I ran around the mansion, gritting my teeth and tears forming in the corners of my eyes. I rushed into my room and looked frantically about. I couldn't find it. I ran to the sofa I was sitting on when watching Benny play video games. I checked under the pillows and all, but still, I couldn't find any song of the thing. I decided to have one last check around the kitchen to see if I just happened to have dropped it somewhere.

Alas, my search was in vain. I rushed to my room, hid under the covers, and started to sob, shuddering every now and then. I slowly, but surely, drifted off to sleep, crying all the while. It was the first time I had actually slept in weeks, and I was exhausted.

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