Chapter 1

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~Austin's POV~

"Mom! Can we go NOW?"

"Oh sweetheart, I know you miss the boys, but the flight isn't until tomorrow. When your done packing I'll take you out to go get stuff to make a skittle cake"

This shut me up, I love my skittles!!! "Fine, but you have to promise that we'll get an extra pack or two or ten for the plane ride" I crossed my arms and she rolled her eyes "I'll get you five because lucky for you, I have a coupon" "yay!!" I ran into my room and started to pack a few things. I don't understand why we have to pack so much, I mean it's only like three weeks and the hotels have washers and dryers. But whatever, I find it easier NOT to argue with my mom/manager.


"Austin the skittle cake's ready!"

I practically run to the kitchen "skittles!!" I licked my lips and I think I drooled a little bit....oops. "slow down tiger, it just came out of the oven!" she says as I pick a piece off and burn my fingers but shove in my mouth anyway and burn my mouth too. I try to keep my expression the same so my mom doesn't see my pain. "is it hot?" I shake my head no and then I can't take it anymore and run for a glass of water. Mom started laughing and so did I.

~Alex POV~

"Guys austin will be here tomorrow! Man it's been a long time" "Dude, it's only been a month." Robert and Zach both laughed "He's just eager to see his boyfriend" Zach said laughing. I couldn't help but blush as I practically screamed "He's not my boyfriend! We've been friends since like forever!" my face was probably bright red by now "Friends with benefits" Robert whispers loud enough for me to hear. Him and Zach started cracking up. I rolled my eyes and walked away. I checked my phone, a text from Austin🍕

"So excited to see you and the boys tomorrow 😁"

I quickly texted him back

"Yeah i know right!!! I miss you bro!"

Why did I say bro? I've never called him that hmm...

As I sat here thinking about it he texted "Bro?😂" damn! I hoped he wouldn't have thought anything of if it. "I don't know bro" "😂 see you tomorrow!!!"

"Okay bro, see you tomorrow" "😂😂 love ya BRO"

I blushed and just said lol. I wonder if he meant it? Wait, why do I care? he's my best friend, we love each other like brothers. I pushed the thought away and decided to drive home and go to bed.

Austin's POV

I thought about what I said to Alex for quite a while. I didn't know why i said it. Why did I say I love you to him? Well I guess, yeah I do he's my best friend and I love him like a brother. "Whatcha thinking about hun?" "Umm just sorting out my man feelings," she laughed "Okay. Since when do 'Men' have feelings?" she said sarcastically "I don't know. I'm just really excited to see the guys I guess."

"Yeah me too. Well I'm gonna go to bed since we have to get up early. I expect you to do the same young 'Man'." "okay, I'll "go to bed"." She smiled them walked to her bedroom.

I couldn't stop thinking about what I said to Alex and why he said it back. I had dated lots of girls but none of them made me feel the same way he made me feel. That doesn't mean I love him though. It just means he's a good friend right?

~~Sorry this is short but yeah but anyway please tell me if you liked it and tell me any suggestions and I don't know when updates will be so yeah😁~~

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