第六章 // Chapter 6

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"It's 6 A.M.!! Why are you awake?!"
An angered ZhangJing yelled at me.
"I have school." I poured myself milk into my bowl of cereals.

Because of me everyone was awake. They usually wake up later.
"Sorry, if I'm a bother I can go back to my mom. I won't get hurt, I can take care of myself.." I suggested.

"Yes plea-" ZhangJing got interrupted.

Everyone was quiet after Justin yelled. ZhengTing patted his arm "I trust you."

It was completely silent for a few minutes until I coughed "I'll leave for school."
As I was about to open the door Justin took his jacket "I'll walk you."
"No, people will recognize you.. I'll be fine."
With that I closed the door without bidding a goodbye nor looking back.

As I walked the sun engulfed me with its warmth. I wish my life could always be so peaceful.

"ChuXia~!" A loud group of voices yelled.
My clique of friends approached me.
I haven't seen them for ages.

"ChuXia why didn't you tell us you were back?!" ZhenAi (A/N I put the name together myself :3. I really liked it~ ) After she said that I really noticed that I haven't told any of my friends.
"I'm so sorry! I was so distracted by other things, I've forgotten!!!" I apologized.

"At least we are back together now!" YuYan smiled with that beautiful smile of hers.
(A/N Yu Yan is drawn from the phrase "Yu Xiao Yan Ran", which describes women who have beautiful smiles.)

Slender arms hugged me from behind.
I slyly turned around to see who's petite body was clasping my body. A soft smiled appeared.

"It's nice to see you again too FengMian~"
"I missed you ChuXia."
The little girl quietly said, almost a whisper.
She was always a quiet and shy type, but that made her special.

With us reunited again we walked to our classroom, which we luckily had together.
The four of us took seats at the front.
YuYan and I at the first row and
FengMian and ZhenAi right behind us.
Not long after that the teacher finally entered and announced something that would ruin my day once again.

"Welcome back Students! Our lovely Zhu ChuXia has finally come back from England again. We welcome you to our class again.
Not only Miss Zhu is back from England, but we are also having a new transfer student from England! Please come in and introduce yourself."

The door opened and everyone from class was looking at it with anticipation visible.

"Omg he's so handsome!!"
"What gorgeous hair!"
"He's so hot-"

My face went pale and my eyes opened wide.
The transfer student bowed down and introduced himself.

"Hello everyone, my name is Blake and I'm the new transfer student from England.
And I also want to ask if ChuXia can take care of me and help me, since I'm already familiar with her!" He evilly grinned, while looking at me with lust.

"Of course! Miss Zhu I will entrust you with our new student! Please sit down next to XiaoRui." The teacher pointed at his given seat and Blake gave me a last glance.

"Oi, ChuXia are you alright?"
YuYan tapped on my shoulder.
"I'll tell you guys later...." I tried to calm down, but ended up breaking my pencil.

Finally the bell rung and YuYan dragged me and the other girls outside.
"Now, tell us what's wrong. You didn't seem to act normal when that Blake dude
walked into the classroom."

I took a deep breath.
"To say it shortly. He's my ex.
We broke up, because he cheated and now he wants me back." I let out a long sigh.

The girls looked at me in disbelief.
ZhenAi looked like she was about to explode out of anger, FengMian looked like crying and YuYan just looked confused.

"I will kill this bastard!!!" She opened the classroom door and stomped over to the popular European student.
"How dare you scum treat-" before she could continue her sentence YuYan quickly put her hand on her mouth and silent her.

"Don't interfere ZhenAi! I think ChuXia is mature enough to handle this problem herself! Besides she can just ignore him.."
YuYan exclaimed.

"The problem is just that I can't ignore him, because Teacher Lou wants me to tour him now..." I cried furiously.

"I have an idea to solve this problem!"
ZhenAi pointed with her index finger.
She told us to follow her and we ran to the teachers lounge.

"Just act with me." She smirked.
"Excuse me, Teacher Lou."
"Yes, what's wrong Miss Xing?"
"Sadly, ChuXia can't tour the new transfer student around the school, because she has very bad stomach ache!"

ZhenAi shot me a glance and I quickly joined the act by putting my hand on my stomach.
"Yes, my stomach has been hurting
ever since this morning Teacher Lou!"
"This explains your pale face from before!
Girls quickly take her to the infermerie!
FengMian, please be so kind and tour
our new student around."

ZhengAi bowed and pushed us all outside.
A quiet whimper sounded next to me.
"Why me??" FengMian teared up.
ZhenAi patted her back and triumphally said
"You will do well, for ChuXia!"

We walked back to class and were greeted by the one and only Blake
"ChuXia do you want to tour me now?"
His smile was so fake, disgusting.
"Ah, sorry boy, but ChuXia isn't feeling well! Our lovely FengMian is taking her spot!"
ZhenAi quickly pushed FengMian forward.

We, FengMian excluded began to walk back to our seats, but before I could Blake tightly held my wrist.
"You can't run away from me forever."

Violently, I pulled my wrist away and looked at him with disgust.

"Don't you dare touch her ever again.."
A low voice came from a person behind Blake. My eyes grew big.


✓ ≪fαтє≫ Huang Minghao IDOL PRODUCERTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon