第十一章 // Chapter 11

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ChuXia'a P.O.V

"I'm sorry." My head hung low as I bowed down in front of Justin. "No, don't be. You didn't know." He patted my head.
"I didn't trust you, I should've known better.. you never lied to me." I avoided his eyes.
"It's alright. We haven't seen each other for years, so it's okay.." He took my chin in his hand and faced me to him.

"Justin.. if you're okay with it, could we maybe.. uh.. start new?" I asked him.
"What do you mean start new?" He looked at me a little confused. "Well, have a new beginning, a new try, a new beginning for our friendship and make new memories together and-" he stopped me by answering.

"Zhu ChuXia, I'd love to do that."
He assuringly smiled at me and hugged me.
"Okay you two, stop being like that."
ZhengTing said. "Too lovey dovey.."

My eyes immediately grew wide and my ears went red. "Wait.. don't tell me you two aren't actually dating?" ZhengTing asked shocked.
I diverted my eyes and he immediately spoke up again. "Are you serious?! Why not???"

"Ting-ge shut up." Justin said while taking my hand and walking away.
"What will happen with FengMian?" I asked him during our walk around the park.
He looked straight ahead "I'm not sure.. the teachers didn't give us any further information." I nodded and gazed down the path. "The most important thing now is your safety.. if you'd get hurt I'd blame myself for it." Justin said.

We both walked and watched the sunset.
It was a beautiful sight and we enjoyed each other's presence. We caught up with a lot of things. We've been living in the same place for a longer amount of time now, but we've never actually got the time to talk to each other in private. It was nice.

"Hey Justin, I'm glad we got to meet again.. I though I would never see you again, after we both went our separate ways." I whispered, but still audible for him, since the park was
pretty empty.

"I am too.. at first I was really shocked, because your looks changed so much, but on the inside you are still the old ChuXia I've got to meet when we were younger,
thank you for appearing in my life again."
After his little speech finished he took my hand into his. "Can we please stay like this for just a little time?" He asked nervously.
"We can stay like this for the whole time."
I slightly laughed and gave his hand
an assuring squeeze.

We slowly walked back to the apartment and when we arrived it was completely dark.
"Huh, has everyone went out?" I questioned.
Justin got his phone out and read his received message from XuKun. "They went out to eat, they'll be back later!" I nodded at him.

"Are you hungry? Should I cook something?" I asked the taller boy and he immediately nodded, cutely holding his stomach.
I went to our kitchen and got some ingredients for a simple noodle soup.

While the soup was boiling I felt two arms sly around my waist. Justin put his head on my neck and inhaled my scent. "I really missed this.." confused I asked him what he exactly missed, since we never did anything like this. "Oh, I mean your scent of roses."
My eyes widened and I directly looked at him.

Noticing what he said the quickly returned his arms and tried to defend himself.
"I.. uh.. I mean-" before I could get any more awkward I spoke up.
"No, it's alright! I missed yours too..?"
It sounded weird, but to make him more comfortable I just said it. It was true anyway.
"And now put your arms around me again, it comforts me." I commanded and he kindly obeyed.

Not long after the food was done and we sat down to eat. At the very moment the other members also came back.
"I smell food.." ZhangJing's appeared first.
"Bro you just ate.." YanJun disbelievingly looked at him. He really had a birds stomach.

"Ah, I see you two made yourself food. I actually bought you two fried rice." ZiYi put down the packaging of fried rice down.
Just in a second ZhangJing snatched it away.
"I can eat it!"

"About your friend ChuXia, she's being send to a mental hospital and she'll stay there for now." XuKun informed me.
Out of guilt I looked down and didn't continue my food. Justin noticed my change of behavior.

"ChuXia, it's not your fault. She decided on her own actions." He tried to comfort me with other soothing words and eventually I was in a better mood again.

"Waaah, I'm tired." I stretched my arms.
"I think I'll go to sleep now, night!"
I told everyone goodnight and left for my room.

Before I was able to settle down someone knocked on my door. In came a Justin with a blanket, a pillow and a stuffed animal.

"Awww you still have Xiao Beibei?" I cooed and took the elephant toy in my hand. "Of course I do! It was your present!"

I moved a bit to get Justin more space on my bed. "I didn't know you wanted to sleep here?" I questioned. "Randomly decided to do that!" "Oh, did I agree on it?"
"I'd come either way.." "I know"

I smiled at him one last time. "Well, Goodnight then Justin." I turned my back to him and not long after I felt his arms engulf me from behind, my head below his chin.
We both fell asleep, with the person we love.


Idk where this story is going, but I think it'll only have about 20-25 chapters.. I'm already planning my next fanfics which are with Chengcheng and Xukun and also Yanjun! Please look forward to those and in the meantime support my previous book❤️

✓ ≪fαтє≫ Huang Minghao IDOL PRODUCERWhere stories live. Discover now