Chapter Nineteen ~ Horrible Thoughts

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I slowly took another deep breath and allowed my eyes to slip past their faces and to the sky, the sunrise casting shades of purple and pink across the sky. The sound of water pushing against the boat and the pounding of my own heart.

"I'm here," West promised, taking my hand in his.

Illius placed his hand on my shoulder comfortingly, "Don't fight it." He said, his blue orbs refusing to leave mine.

"Close your eyes," Killian placed his hands on the top of my head. I allowed my eyes to close, allowing the darkness of my lids to consume me and braced myself, but nothing I could have ever done would have prepared me for the sudden rush of unbearable pain that came throbbing through my head in waves. I clamped my lips together, trying to stop myself from letting out the small cry that slipped past them regardless. I griped West's hand as the pain increased, "Hang in there." Killian's voice was distant, almost as if I were hearing it from inside of a well.

The pangs intensified and I arched, letting out a scream followed by a cry, "It hurts!" I sobbed, barely able to breathe. The stinging wrapped from the base of my skull up and around to the temples of my forehead, causing my eyes to burn.

"The bond is strong, I can't get through!" Killian strained, his hands tightening on either side of my face, "I'm so sorry, Ava, but I have to break this."

A flood of burning sensations ran through my entire body, my face felt like it was on fire. My scream came out high and shrill, I could hear voices, but I couldn't make out what they were saying. I could feel my body shaking violently, wracked with convulsions. The pain was so blinding that I began to feel numb, the world around me fading until all I could hear was a ringing in my ears as darkness consumed me.


He let out an angry growl and swiped his arm across the table, knocking everything that once stood on it to the floor with a cacophony of bangs. He placed his hands flat against its frozen surface, absorbing the cold that seeped through his skin. His back raised and fell with exasperation, his eyes filled with fury.

"I thought being wrathful was my job," Wrath strode towards Envy, a constant rage smoldering behind his fiery eyes.

"It's useless!" Eric pounded his fist against the table of ice, causing it to crack, "My wings will never move again." His wings of pure black feathers that reflected the dim lighting of the room hung pitifully limp from his back, dragging against the floor of ice. He shifted his jaw irritably, feeling worthless and weak.

 "Eric," This time it was Sloth who spoke, "Even without your wings, you're still the sin of Envy. It doesn't limit your power or stop you from being who you are." He sympathetically said, attempting to comfort his fellow sin, his brother.

Envy spun around, visibly shaking with anger, "I'm nothing without my wings, Seth! Don't you understand that?"

"Quit feeling sorry for yourself," Luis sternly told Eric as he entered the room, his armor rustling with his movements, "We train tonight."

"Who put this human in charge anyway?" Envy gestured towards Luis as if he was nothing more than a piece of trash.

"Morana did," Pride stepped forward from his silent position in a corner, "And for now, you will do as the mortal says. Just remember Envy, Greed and I only came with because you are our brother and brothers do not abandon each other."

Wrath tilted his head to the side, gripping Preston by the shoulder, "You'll warm up to the idea of destroying the angels once and for all, eventually." He grinned wickedly, "Trust me, there's nothing better than seeing white angel blood on the tip of your sword." He patted him on the back and Pride glared back at him.

"I'll do whatever it takes to protect my fellow sins, William, but I will not slay an entire race," Preston crossed his arms over his chest, "Even if the angels are revoltingly perfect and I despise every single blasted one of them."

"We'll see about that," William chuckled before slipping past Luis and out the door.

"Training, now!" Luis ordered.

Envy sauntered towards the door, his wings trailing behind him, his eyes meeting Pride's. His face reflected the jealousy that laid deep inside of him. The jealousy that was slowly eating him alive and driving him to insanity.

Inside of the training room stood Morana, she watched her sins as they filed in, led by her mortal. The human boy had come a long way from when she had first began to wedge her way into his mind. He was stronger, trained, and well equipped to lead her army of goblins. It wouldn't be long before they marched across the snowy terrain of the North and towards Heaven. Judgement would fall and along with him the rest of the angels, no one could stop her as long as the Darklings were by her side.

The world wouldn't understand, but what she did, she did for them. Though her brothers saw her as the enemy, she knew that once they understood her purpose, they would join her and together they would destroy the darkness in Oblivion and the mortal realm. Together they would protect the world from falling in chaos. There would not be another war, history would not repeat itself.

Her eyes of amethyst fell on Envy, the last to file through the door, his wings carrying a sorrow about them as they drug behind him, "Envy," She called out to him and his jade green eyes met hers. She gestured for him to come and he did. She hooked one pale finger underneath his chin, holding his gaze, "If you are loyal, with an unshakable dedication to me, after our mission is complete, Eric, I will replace your wings." She promised.

His eyes widened, his brows drawing together, "How my queen?"

Her lips curled into a charming smile, "With the white wings of an angel. You will be a hybrid, the first of your kind. This I promise to you if you will vow unto me that you will do all that it takes to prevent another war. I understand you once aided the Soul Bound, but this requires her death. Are you prepared to do this for me when the time comes, to do whatever it takes?"

Envy nodded, his jade orbs filled with a renewed determination and fell to his knees, bowing his head before her, "I make my vow unto you, Morana Lockwood," He lifted his eyes to meet hers, "I will do whatever it takes."

"I knew you would," She watched as he stood before her, "Now go sin, and renew your strengths, you're going to need them."


Illius poured over her, brushing her hair away from her peaceful face as she slept. It had been difficult for him to watch her writhe in torment. He had wanted to pull her from the warlock's grasp and cradle her in his arms, to tell her that he would never let her feel that kind of pain again.

He had encouraged her to rest, told her that he would keep her safe. Told her that the nightmares were afraid of him, but once again he had failed her. He raked a hand through his raven black hair, clutching the strands with frustration. Why couldn't he of prevented this?

You, are a horrible person, Illius Lockwood, He told himself as his eyes slipped to her soft, rosy lips. Those lips that drew him in with words of bravery and strength. The lips he wanted to be against his. When he fell in love with her, it was the most hauntingly beautiful thing ever. And others should have been terrified, for he would go to the depths of Hell and purgatory for her. Yet, he couldn't stop hurting her as counterproductive as that was, but that was just the way he was. A torrent of back and forth emotions that led to reckless actions. Perhaps West was right, he was incredibly irresponsible, defiant and had behavioral issues, but that never made him feel bad. He knew he was a tsunami of darkness and he loved it, but perhaps, just maybe... he loved her more.

She made a groan as she shifted, turning her head into the palm of his hand, her soft skin pressing against his. The boat rocked as it moved across the still Lake of Ice, West and Nigel paddling as Killian lay knocked out in the corner end of the boat. Breaking the bond between Ava and whomever was dream jumping her had taken all of the warlock's energy and shortly after Ava had passed out, Killian had too saying that it was done.

Illius gazed at her as her eyes slowly opened, grey-blue orbs meeting his. She blinked, their eyes locked, his hand still cupping the side of her face. Maybe, he thought, maybe she loved his darkness too.

Forever Entranced ~Book Two Of The Soul Bound SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now