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^^ had to add that fan art there it was just so cute
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Drew sighed, for the umpteenth time, running a hand through his chartreuse locks.

Sure, he was the student council president of his high school.

Sure, he was the captain of the most elite football team in Larousse.

And sure, was he the most attractive guy in the eyes of every girl in his school.

Wait. Scratch that– in the eyes of every girl in the school except for a certain brunette.

Well, that was no surprise, because we all know who that little brunette is, right?

That one particular brunette, who smiled everyday like there was no tomorrow, who would trip on air and land into his arms and who would apparently, and he quotes– "sleep all the time to escape from reality."

Yet it was all of this that made her so perfect, in his eyes.

But May, being denser than concrete, never knew that all this time, he had been in love with her.

She didn't know, that there was a deeper meaning to everything Drew called her. How much he resisted his temptations to just go and hug her when she was being adorable (which was all the time, by the way.) And how much he wished to wipe away all her tears when she cried.

Drew clutched the pole for safety as the train jerked suddenly, interrupting his thoughts. Then, he heard a high pitched squeal. His eyes scanned the vehicle for the source of the sound, spotting an old woman and then May holding onto the handrail.

Oh it's just May, he thought, and went back to reviewing his hopeless shoujo-manga-storyline-like life.

Then he took a double take.

Wait, what?

There stood the girl of his dreams, clad in striped slacks and a white fur collared coat, looking like she was struggling to stay awake throughout her journey.

Man, she looks like an angel from above.

Just before May was about to fall asleep again, an idea popped into Drew's head.

He pulled out his phone, dialed her number in a just few seconds; he'd remembered it by heart the very day she gave it to him for a simple group project in eighth grade. They rarely texted each other, both being the too-shy-to-reply types, and even when they did, it was only about trivial matters and didn't last more than four speech bubbles.

Drew brought the device to his ear but his eyes found their way back to the love of his life, wondering if the day she returned his feelings was anytime soon.

After cutely fumbling through her coat pockets, May picked up on the third ring, without even looking at the caller screen.

"Hello?" She squeaked out, her voice sounding higher pitched over the phone than in reality. The same voice that rung in his ears like music, Drew was sure that he could make out this sound even in the constant buzz and hushed tones of the other passengers.

His heart skipped a beat, but he managed to let out a "Hey June" as if it was just any other conversation they were having.

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