Chapter 21

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I have been having contractions all morning and they've been bothering me so I decided that I needed to go to the hospital.  I called Andre and told him to meet me and my parents there. I got to the hospital just in time and the doctor told me that my water just broken and I'm in labor.  they told me that I need to be in a room ASAP!! After they hooked me up to the cords and all that other stuff I began to push...











There was my baby my six pounds and five ounces. I decided to name Kylie Skye Bahandri. After they cleaned her up they handed her to me. I can't believe it I just had a baby!! I called up my friends and they came rushing in my room taking pictures. Andre didn't even show up I was pissed. I told zoey that I named kylie's name after Skye. The doctor told me that I could leave tomorrow and get my papers for the baby. I was so mad at Andre he didn't come and so he couldn't sign the birth certificate.  anyways I just took a nap. but before that I got a text from Andre: Baby I'm sorry I couldn't make it but I'll be up there tomorrow love you. I didn't bother to respond so me and my baby just went to sleep.

Make it right  Alli BahandriOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora