Gone Like the Wind

Start from the beginning

"Girls, I trusted you to go out to town and you and back late. If I set a due time you have to obey that!" She shouts at us, although it's not directed at Kendall.

"Hey!" Retaliates my mom. "Don't blame them, they got caught up with fans and it would've been impolite to deny!"

"That's doesn't defend them. As the more qualified dancers on this team that behaviour is not acceptable." I see Holly and Jill make a few faces at this.

I decide to take my stand. "At least I didn't steal someone else's trophy!" I mumble.

"What did you say Aurelia," Abby barks.

"At least I didn't steal someone else's trophy!" I say louder than I intend.

"I don't want that kind of attitude if you want to come back next week," She snaps at me before rounding on Kendall. "You had no right to do that! If you wanted to win then maybe you should work harder and you'll actually earn an award which isn't second."

"But you don't give her any solos to prove herself," Jill argues.

"Because she doesn't deserve them because she never wins so I don't trust her enough," Abby states matter-of-factly.

"You know what, Abby, I'm not going to fight with you because that just decreases the chance of her getting a solo so I'm going to trust you to help my daughter...as I have done for several years." I hate how easily and snidely Jill gets away with it.

Abby nods here head in approval. "Yes, that's the kind of attitude I expect. Now Kendall give me the trophy."

Reluctantly, Kendall hands it over to Abby and she gives it to me. I whisper a brief thanks before Josue comes over and starts messing with my hair. I giggle a bit and we take some photos.

Jojo comes over as well as Kalani and Brynn until almost everyone is over here except Kendall and Adam. We talk and chat for a while as if nothing happened. Soon, Kalani, Maddie and Brynn go off to resort their trio. The rest if us start getting ready for the group dance again because they want to catch more angles on that dance as well.

"Hey, Lia, do you mind if we take a pic?" Jojo asks and we both grin and snap a few selfies. I post one on my snapchat captioned: twinning cos we winning


The coach ride back to the studio is quiet. I sit with Josue, Adam and Brynn. We're watching a movie. Kalani and Jojo sit together and are listening to music while Jojo and Maddie are playing are making musicallys. Kendall and Marcus are silent as they sit next to each other.

With about ten minutes left of the journey the movie ends and I decide to scroll through my social medias. I go onto instagram to find Kendall posted something. The first photo is one of her, Maddie, Kalani and Kenzie and the second one is of everyone except her and Adam crowded round me from earlier. It's captioned missing my old besties 💕 👅 and I feel largely skeptical over the hidden meaning.


"Oh my gosh I am so excited for Bratayley!" Shrieks Jojo, positively blowing everyone's eardrums. Their car pulls up and five people step out. Annie - who I've heard so much about from Jojo and Kenzie - Hayley, their parents, and a brunette who looks suspiciously like–

"Kenzie!" Maddie and Brynn yell and sprint to engulf her in a hug. Bratayley film it the entire time.

"I thought you were ill?" Questions Nia as we draw closer.

"Oh," She gasps happily. "I was. The reason I threw up was due to some balancing issues with the fluids in my ears or something which caused me to feel dizzy. The doctors said that I should be alright provided I took some breaks between dancing."

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