chapter 2

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The air got tense between them as Cas starred awkwardly back at Dean not knowing how exactly to reply to his question.

"Um I was walking to the bar and I saw you and you were drunk so a I thought I'd help you out" Castiel replied not looking up at Dean.

"Yeah I got that much but I mean what did I say or do cause... well I mean I woke up and you were beside me so" he said with a kind face he still looked a drowsy but mainly embarrassed.

"Well you were gunna drive away so i come over to stop you and you gave me the keys so we got in and i asked where you wanted to go but you had already fallen asleep and i guess i didnt leave after" Cas replied reliving the events of last night like it was some movie he was watching over again.


"w-wh-why?" Cas repeated

"Yeah why, why stop me, why stay?" Dean exclaimed.

"I.. uh.. i just.. oh i totally forgot i actually have somewhere to be right now im so sorry" Cas said opening the car door and quickly slipping out.

"No wait im so-" dean said as castiel slammed the door and practically ran away. Dean wiped down his face. Frustration creeping up on him again why did he always have to screw everything up.

He sat there and tried to remind himself of what went down the night before but all he could remember was those blue eyes, the name cas, and falling asleep to the sound of his voice.

Dean snapped out of it realising he would never see him again. He opened the passanger door and walked around to the drivers side. The street was quiet as it was early in the morning and no one was around. He took a glance in the direction Castiel had run. The bushes blew in the morning wind but other then that nothing moved, it was as if he was never there.

Opening the door Dean sat down quickly starting the chevy and heading off back to the apartment.

Castiel opened the door to his apartment, panting from running the whole way back. Closing the door he then sat down against it. He knew now he had ruined any chance of them becoming 'friends' and that shouldn't sadden him, he didn't know him. But something made him want to run back and hope Dean was there waiting for him.

He sighed realising he wouldn't be there and he would never see him again. Pulling himself off the ground to go get some breakfast.

Quickly putting to bits of bread in the toaster he stood and waited. His toaster was crappy and took forever to do anything so Castiel walked over to the window, he had a decent view of the city and the apartment next door to the one he was staying in. He starred in a daze watching each car pass as the morning traffic crept in.

Dean arrived back at the crappy apartments waiting for the inevitable fight him and his dad were gunna have about last night. Grabbing my phone before getting out of the car and entering the apartment.

To Dean's surprise his father was nowhere to be seen. Relief spread over Dean's body he could have a moment to himself but as much as he hoped that giving his mind a break would heal him like it usually did there was something about this Castiel that just stuck with him. Like a song stuck in your head just 10x worse and it can play with your emotions too.

"Fuck it" Dean said to himself picking back up his car keys, he was going to find this Castiel and finish his conversation with him. He couldnt just run away from Dean Winchester.

Dean jumped in his car quickly starting the engine and driving off decided he would try every hotel in the area. Asking if they knew a him at least.

The sun started setting as dean went to the last hotel he was gunna check. Nobody had even heard of him so he had kept a small profile or he was just passing through town which is a thought Dean was dreading even though technically thats all he was doing here anyway.

"No sorry we do not know any Cas's here sir, is there anything else we can help you with today" the lady behind the desk said almost robotically the same as the last 15 hotels.

"No thats fine thank you anyway" Dean chimed along with a fake smile and walked out the door to his car.

He sat down in the front seat feeling more beat then he had yesturday. He had multiple missed calls on his phone all from his dad he would have to guess. He just couldn't go back though.. not yet.

The last place he could think of going was back to that bar.

The street lights all started to flicker on down the street somehow pushing Dean to go back to the bar even more.

Final decision.

He starred into nothing before driving on his way to the bar. He wasn't open about liking guys. He wasn't even sure he did before now but his brother Sam had always said he could tell i had a thing for guys. Until now i had not understood what he meant.

Arriving at the bar once again the red lights seeming so familiar even though he had only been here once before. Dean parked his car in the same spot as the night before just away from the bar in a darkish area so no drunks would touch his car other then himself, also so if Castiel did come he would know he was here.

Pushing open the wooden door open hearing that small tinging noise barely over the noise of everyone talking in the bar. Instantly noticing the ever so familiar dark hair. He was still wearing a trench coat from the night before if anyone else had of been wearing it Dean would of said they needed to learn some style but somehow Castiel just looked... beautiful.

The seat next to Cas was free at the bench. Dean seeing his opportunity took control over himself, taking a breathe and walking over to him.

He sat down making sure he made enough noise to snap Castiel out of his day dream. Castiel blue eyes struck straight over to Dean. Dark circles under his eyes showed he had had just as great of a day as dean had.

"Hello there" Dean said smirking that iconic cute and hot smirk that only some guys could do and not look retarded, but Dean was the meaning of perfecting that smirk leaving Cas melting and struggling for words just looking up and down Dean's face.

Dean turned to the bar tender signalling her to bring him and Cas a drink. Castiel could feel his cheeks blushing as Dean turned back to him he turned his head in hope of hiding the fact that he had even noticed him there. Dean didnt mind, he sat looking over at Cas watching him awkwardly checking to see if he was still looking every now and then, quickly turning back when he saw he was still looking.

The noise of two drinks being almost slammed on the bench took both of there glares to it.

Total word count : 1246 words
Total read count : 28
Date :  Wednesday13th June 2018

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