The World From The View Of Heaven

Start from the beginning

His green eyes flick to me and he is distracted from his pancakes.

“How did you get here?” The kid asks. I feel my spine stiffen.

“How did you get here?” I ask in return.

“I asked you first,” he says, dropping his fork and leaning closer.

“Yes but you’re eating my pancakes in my house,” I fire back “I think I deserve to know.” The kid returns to eating once again.

“Got hit by a drunk driver almost a year ago,” he shrugged “I was gone within a few hours. I heard my mom sued the driver but that’s what Gran told me.” He stabbed another piece of pancake.

“I’m sorry,” I say, because technically that’s what we’re supposed to say.

“Wow I can hear the fakeness in that one,” he grins.

“You got me,” I say.

“Let’s go do something,” he says, hopping off his chair. “Do you have a deck of cards?”

“Uh yeah I think,” I’m a little surprised by his request. No eleven year old I ever knew requested to have a deck of cards. They usually want a new Xbox or a dirtbike or some useless thing like that. I search through a few draws before I find a deck of cards in a torn up box.

The kid teaches me this card game called Spoons he and his friends used to play in school.

“So why is a ten year old being a messenger boy?” I ask as he shuffles the cards.

“Well I’m saving up to go back,” he says, the cards fluttering together.

“Go back? Why would you go back to that?” I ask.

“It’s my sister’s graduation in a few weeks. I almost have enough for a passcard,” he says. I have to remind myself that not all people in the world are totally jerks and idiots.

I glance at the clock and realize it’s almost 11:00.

“Hey listen I have to go get ready. You can stay if you like. And keep the deck of cards. I have no use for those anyways.” I say and the kid just laughs.

“I know how women are. Go!” he shooes me upstairs. “Go get ready. I’m sure we’ll meet again Maddie.”

I laugh and just as I’m about to go close the bathroom door I yell, “Say hi to your Gran and sister for me!”


“Name?” the grouchy lady behind the tall desk asks.

“Madison,” I respond.

“Madison who?” the lady barks.

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