Partnership (Connor x Reader)

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This takes place where you are forced to be partners with Hank and are soon joined by Connor. You all go and investigate another murder by a deviant and Connor tries to keep an eye on you. (YOUR POV)


You sigh and rub your temples as you lay back in your chair. You've been working countless hours on a case you were assigned with Hank Anderson. You never knew why, but he was always a pain in the ass to be around.

"L/N, come here!"

Speak of the devil himself...You sit up from your chair and walk the few feet towards Hank's desk. There is a tall android, standing next to him. You give Hank a confused glance as you approach him.

"Okay..Hank, uhm.. who is this..?"

"Well I was going to get to th-"

"I am the model RK800, you may call me Connor."

He stuck his hand out towards you and you took it, shaking it gently, it was cold yet human like.

"Thanks, Connor..I just love being interrupted..anyways, Connor this is Y/N.. Y/N, this is..well Connor."

You smile and give a small wave.

"It is nice to meet you, Lieutenant L/N."

"IT is also nice to meet you, Connor. So, Hank, what did you call me over for"

"Well, first, I needed to tell you that this plastic thing over here-"


"Yeah whatever, is going to be working with us for some fucking reason. That and we've all been assigned a case involving another android going deviant."

You sighed and ran a hand through your hair.

"I'm guessing they're going to want us there now, so I'm going to grab my stuff."

You walked back to your desk and grabbed a few items, meeting back with Hank and Connor at the door to the building.

"So, where to?"

"Location/Name ((Idunno)), that is the location I was given."

"Alright then, let's go!"

You, Hank, and Connor all got out and headed to Hank's vehicle. You opened the door to the back seat as Connor piled into the passenger seat.

"Oh, hell no, you're not sitting in the front with me, I have to deal with you enough on this case I'm not going to in my own car."

Connor seemed unphased as he nodded and exited the passenger seat and open the door next to you, gently plopping himself into the seat beside you. You looked out the window for the most of the time but occasionally chatted with Connor.

The car suddenly stopped as you were jolted forward, thankful the seatbelt halted you to a stop.

You all got out of the car and walked the few feet to the other officers gathered around the crime scene. Standing there, was Agent Perkins. You grumbled under your breath and saw Hank do the same.

"Ah, if it isn't grandpa and the defective detective. Let me guess, they put you guys on the case, with your..PET!?..pfft!"

Agent Perkins starts off into a fit of teasing laughter, as you stand there and rub your arm as Hank was trying not to commit a second murder in one night. Connor looked over at you and Hank confused.

"I do not understand, Hank has no grandchildren so he cannot be a grandfather, and Y/N cannot be defective as there is nothing that shows her to be, what seems to be so funny then, Agent?"

Agent Perkins laughing ceased as anger replaced it. He charged up to Connor, grabbing his collar. ((His Connor collar))

"Want to be such a smartass you piece of shit? Do you know what happens to smartasses? Huh, do ya?"

Agent Perkins shoved Connor backwards.

"Do ya?!"

He shoved him again.

"Stop it, Perkins!"

And again.

He went to shove him once again but you grabbed his arms before he did so. You shoved Agent Perkins backwards, angrily.

"Stop being such an asshole and messing with other people, Connor didn't do anything so stop being such a dick!"

"What the hell did you just say to me?"

Agent Perkins stepped forwards and shoved you, which you fell backwards into Connor, who barely caught you. He went to shove you again, but Connor caught his hand and moved it. Afterwards, he put you behind his back, one arm out protectively.

"I cannot allow you to harm her, Agent Perkins. If you would, please step back. However if you refuse and continue to try to cause Lieutenant  L/N harm, I will not hesitate to use force against you."

"What the hell, who the hell do you think you are? You're just a fucking robo-"

He was silenced by Hank punching him straight in the mouth. You looked over Connor's shoulder to see Agent Perkins holding his jaw.

"Whaaat? I had to, it was that or a bullet."

Connor finally turned to you, placing both his hands on either of your shoulders, as Hank went to deal with the other officers' bickering. He seemed to lightly scan you before speaking.

"Are you alright, Lieutenant L/N?"

You smile up at Connor.

"Im alright, Connor, thank you."

He gives off a small smile and it warms your heart. You walk into his chest and give him a light hug. He doesn't know how to respond at first but returns it soon enough.

"Hey, this case ain't gonna solve itself you two!"

You and Connor release from the hug and shyly smile at Hank. You give one more look at Connor before heading to the crime scene with one thought on your mind.

"You're gonna like this new partnership."

Detroit: Become Human | (x reader) OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now