Chapter 25

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The next day....

Loni was getting better. She had her MRI scan done after she woke up. The doctors still didn't know what was wrong. So Loni went home for a week or so.

Z: uhh, this has been a week...
L: yep!
L: she's better, but not 100% healthy.
Z: yeah, she won't sleep, or eat much...
L: just cry... I feel bad....
Z: don't feel bad, we are giving her what she needs.
L: yeah...

She went to the doctor for the results. And it wasn't good.....

Doc: Loni has a disease that causes her bones to grow slowly, and causes lots of pain when moving, and growing...
Z: .....
Z: is it curable?
Doc: no, it will only get worse with time.
Z: ok.....
L: what can we do for her?
Doc: give her pain medicine, and monthly check ups. We will have to do more when she's older.
Z: like what?
Doc: possibly surgery to correct her bones.
L: when will she need this?
Doc: At 4 or 5 years old, depending on her bones.
Z: ok.

Loni was getting better, she slowly grew, and soon, she got more sleep, and ate more....

11 years later...

Loni was better. But the more she grew, the worse it got. There would be days when she couldn't get out of bed without being in pain. And because puberty is slow, that meant years of pain. She never played sports, or did much with friends. Her friends were very sweet, and understanding.  Loni felt lonely, because she rarely could get out of the house. And be a teen, living her life with her friends, and being happy.
Loni is now 14 years old. Still feeling misunderstood. She started to leave her friends, and stayed inside all the time. And when she started on social media, she felt better. So that was what made her happy. But that became all she did.

6 years later...

She is now 20 years old. Lives with her boyfriend, and two dogs, in a apartment. She was struggling with her health lately.
The last 6 years were filed with doctor visits. For broken bones, check ups, x-rays, and all that stuff... He bones were still growing  very slow, and painful. But her bones were getting weaker. She was being diagnosed with other things. Loni became sicker and sicker by the day. And soon, she was in a bed at a hospital, for weeks on end....

Something would get fixed, then something else would get worse...

Years later when she had a family of her own. She was very sick. And she died....
Her family all fell apart after her death....

-Written bye Kaitlin McC.

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