Chapter 16

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He had texted Zander. And he had wanted to come back home. He said he was gonna come over summer. ( read The deadly truth to find out what they said)
Lilo said he should come next summer because they were gradeuateing high school.

The next day, they went to school. Ann came in looking terable. She was wearing the same clothes as yesterday. Her hair was tangled. And she had that look in her eye. Like she was hurt, or something big happened.
She came by us and told us what happened. At this point we were her friends.
A: it, it was him!
L: who?
A: Calvin
A:  yep
L: do you know him?
Z: yeah.
L: from what?
Z: He, he was a old friend.
L: what did he do?
A: he, took me to his room, and..... But I didn't want to.
L: oh... come her.
A:  thank you!
L:  were are you going?
Z: to talk to Calvin.
A: Zack! Tell him I want to kill him.
Z: oh I'll definitely say that.

Lilo stood there with Ann in her arms. Zack went on a search for Calvin.
Z: Calvin! What the hell did you do to Ann!
C: chill! All I did was kiss her!
Z: yeah, sure thats all you did.
C: what do you think happened!
Z: Ann told me you did it with her. And she didn't want it.
That's sexual asult, you know you could go to jail for that!
C:ok ok!

Then Aslisa came up and made out with Calvin.
Z: Also, Ann told me she wanted to kill you!
Then her ran back to Ann and Lilo. Told them about what happened. Then Ann ran off to Calvin. She got there to him makeing out with Aslisa. She was so mad she kicked him the nuts!
He fell. While everyone else was laughing.
Then she ran off. We didn't see Ann all day.

Until  went to the beach after school. We went to the cove area of the beach. There is always some beautiful fish there. And is the perfect place to get some awsome Instagran photos.
L: Zack, is that Ann?
Z: what!?

They look out to the far corner of the cove. It was Ann, she sitting on the edge of a cliff. Below was shallow water. And lots of coral and sharks.
They tell out to her. She just looks at them for a few seconds. Then looks away.

Then, she got up, went to the very edge of the cliff. And she..........

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