Chapter Twelve: Disaster Waiting to Happen

Start from the beginning

"I'm out," I said, playing one of my cards and discarding my last one. He smiled, laying the rest of his cards down. I blew my bangs from my face, looking over at the sink again. Max began putting away the cards, scrunching his eyebrows at me.

"Whats wrong, love?" he asked. I ignored the flip my stomach did at him using one of his nicknames for me. You'd think I'd be used to them by now.

"I need to do dishes," I said, reaching for my glass of tea. I drained what was left, watching Max just smile at me. He jumped up, walking over to me.

"I'll do 'em," he said sweetly, bending down and kissing my cheek. I looked up at him, his eyes sparkling as he stared down at me. I grinned, standing and hugging him.

"Thank you!" I said, drawing out the 'you.' He chuckled lightly, ruffling my hair. I rolled my eyes, pulling away and making it lay flat again. He winked at me, before walking over to the sink and beginning to run hot water. I skipped back over to the kitchen table, grabbing my glass and going to fill it again. I felt him watching me as the sink filled, but I didn't turn. I poured my glass, taking a sip before turning around. He was staring at me adoringly, a glint in his eyes. I smirked, putting my glass down.

"Babe," I called. He snapped out of his trance, turning red. He rubbed his neck, looking down nervously. I smiled, walking over to him and pecking him on the cheek. He grinned sheepishly, and I laughed lightly as I walked into the living room.

I plopped down on the couch, already fidgeting for his touch. I ignored it as best I could, watching him do dishes. Every once in a while he would look up and catch my eye, shooting me a smile or a wink before returning to the dishes.

Fifteen long minutes later, he was draining the water. I tried not to look too eager as he wiped his hands off on a towel, walking into the living room and leaning against the wall. He gave me a smile, running a hand through his hair. I grinned, unable to stand it anymore. I got up from my place on the couch, skipping over to him. I grinned, leaning against the wall beside him. He took my hand, lacing our fingers together. For a moment we just stood there, the sheer presence of each other enough to make me content.

Moments later, he pushed himself off the wall and in front of me. He put his hands on the wall on either side of me, pinning me there. He came closer, his face inches from my own. I was becoming quite accustomed to the feeling of Max's body so close to mine, but it still made my stomach turn with butterflies. I rested my hands on his sides, just under his ribs. He closed his eyes tilting his head. I felt his warm breath on my face, closing the gap betweeen us and kissing me.

I pulled his body closer, grabbing fist-fulls of his shirt in my hands. He smirked against my lips, but he moved his hands none the less. He rested his hands on my waist, sandwiching me between him and the wall. There was no space between his body and mine, none at all. I moved my hands to lay on his chest, feeling his heart pounding under my palms. I ran my finger along his collar bone as a fleeting thought, but was instantly reminded of its effects as he suddered. He let out a soft moan, never breaking the kiss.

"Sorry..." I said softly, pulling away. He shook his head, kissing me again.

I heard knocking at the front door, but I honestly couldn't find the will to pull away. The softness of his lips against mine was way too tempting. He pulled away for a split second, turning his head slightly.

"Its open," he called, before turning back to me and kissing me one last time. The kisses were sweet and loving, everything I could ever hope for. The feeling made me lose grip on reality, forgetting where we were or what we were even supposed to be doing.

"Ahem..." I was knocked back into the real world and out of the kiss as I heard the sound of someone clearing their throat behind Max. Max turned, exposing a thouroughly grossed out Adam behind him. I let out a soft laugh, letting my hands fall to my sides.

"Hey Adam," I greeted, giving him a small wave. He smiled and shook his head, crossing his arms over his chest.

"You're gonna suffocate each other if you keep at it like that," he told us. Max and I both turned red, looking at each other. He ran his hand through his hair, putting his arm around my waist.

"At least I'll die happy," Max said to himself, a small smile across his face as he squeezed my waist. I laughed, laying my head on his shoulder.

It was gonna be a great night.


Hai! :)

Hopefully this is long enough, I have to cut it short because of whats going down next chapter.

So... Updates!

ONE! :3

I'm leaving for dance camp tomorrow! I'm gonna try and get some writing done when I'm there, but no promises. Its gonna be crazy... I packed yesterday, and literally more than half of my suitcase is full of food.

I'll be back wednesday!

TWO! :)

Yeah, so don't get mad, kay? Just remember that its all gonna get better.


Love you guys' support on this story. It really does matter to me, because this story is a lot of fun to do for you guys.

So thanks :)

I'm pretty sure thats in for now... Wish me luck at camp guys!

With luck, maybe I won't pass out and die ;)

Haha, bye loves!

Schneider Monkey Love!

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