My Beloved (Bacon)

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Algiz walked up to a small one story house, this was one of many in the neighborhood, and looked at it. The house only had three rooms; a bathroom, a bedroom, and a main room. The exterior was a purple roof, that looked like you set a pyramid on top, and the cracked paint on the walls was a pale yellow because of sun bleaching. Her eyes fell to the rickety screen door in front of a large, spruce door, it had a window in the shape of a half circle, and her eyes fell to the brass looking knob. She knew the house, she knew who lived there, it was the love of her life, Bacon.

As she walked u to the door, someone wrapped their arms around her, she almost socked the person. When she looked, it was Milder, a small woman with brown hair like her eyes, "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you, but if you're looking for my neighbor you'll find her at the newest bomb site." , of course she would be. Quickly he went to the corner of Cromby and Dancer, and Bacon was right the edge climbing back up, he smiled.

When Bacon looked, she quickly brushed he hair out of the way and blushed, it wasn't visible because her cheeks were red from climbing and searching, her last move got her to the top where Algiz helped her up. "Hi, what are you doing here?" , she asked wrapping her arms around the other and nuzzled her head with the other. "You're being a bit too affectionate, everything okay?" , Algiz asked, on the out side he looked calm while in reality, he wasn't, Bacon muttered something about her insomnia and how tired she was.

Algiz smiled and then picked her up bridal style, after they were back at the house Bacon unlocked her door and Algiz set her down. When the two walked in a big black dog nuzzled his head to the girl, she smiled and let him out side so he could get energy out. "I love you Bacon, I really do." Algiz praised the girl, holding her as they sat on the sofa, "You're male right now, so you want a binder?" , Algiz nodded kissed the others head.

After Algiz put on the binder his books looked smaller, he felt more or less right about it. Bacon grabbed his hand and rubbed circles on it, the two were now on Bacon's queen sizes bed, the lumpy mattress was comfortable and two were starting fall asleep. Then, a loud crash got Bacon running two the back door and she flung the white door open, her dog instantly dashed in and growled at the opening. A giant racoon, mutated from the bombs, crawled toward them. Bacon moved for the bat, the creature laughed at her as Algiz stepped out, someone screamed. Bacon was shoved to the ground, her dog tackled the creature and barked, she grabbed the metal bar and swung it. The scream was from Algiz, crouched and covered his eyes. When Bacon swing her dog moved away and she hit the fowl rodent out in the afternoon sun.

The door was slammed shut and Bacon turned to her beloved pup, he was a puppy after all. The dog looked at her as she examined the puppo, she was relieved to see nothing major, "You had me worried Bartholomew!" she cried as she wrapped her arms around him. Most dogs wouldn't like being hugged, not Bartholomew, he loved hugs. You see the pup was a bit more human than dogs are, he was the result of a lab bomb hitting a kid and his little puppy, Bacon found him.

She swore the dog looked as if he was looking for someone, when she called the dog to come toward her, she awkwardly stumbled to her. Bacon picked him up and took him home, the dog was a bit more human than usual, she likes that. Her dog was the mentality of a human because of that lab bomb, the two couldn't be happier.

Bartholomew looked toward the guy that he was waist height to, he was suspicious when he first smelled the human at a young age. At the sound of Bacon sniffling, he licked her face, hoping to cheer her up. She was his mom after all, and he guessed that because those two were together that Algiz was his other parent.

Algiz knew the dog was looking at him for just hiding instead of helping, he knew the pup was protective of his owner. Algiz moved to the two and kissed her forehead as Bartholomew licked her sobbing face, eventually she started to laugh and pet her doggo.

Algiz moved this girl, that obviously went for her imperfections and companions too. Bacon felt the same for Algiz, she could never stop loving him and the he is.

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