More Bombs, How Typical. (Bacon)

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     Bacon woke up to the sound of sirens, quickly she got dressed; a black shirt with red splatter on the edges (which may or not be blood and rust), slightly (read as: really) muddy black jeans, fingerless leather gloves and worn down, all black work shoes. After grabbing her worn, black satchel, she stepped outside, and as if on cue, a small, gray bomber dropped a bomb a few miles in the distance, "At least I know where I'm going after 'school'..... And now to the glamorous, moss-covered, run-down school!", the girl sarcastically muttered and walked to the old, brick school.

    As she walked along the side wall, she looked at the old school in all it's glory; with the collapsed rooms and old rubble that was once, probably, beautiful brick buildings. She entered through the rusty gates, glaring at how beautiful they once were, driving the fact that her sector was shitty. After ducking under a fallen pillar and stepping on rubble she entered classroom 16, 10 others were there,"Hey, Bacon.", called a platinum blonde girl; 5'4, adorning a slightly leather jacket, frayed dark blue jeans, and a white work shirt under the jacket. The girl stomped her right foot, which was wearing a studded army boot and the other foot wore the other one, and smiled at Bacon with a heart melting grin.

     The 9 other people in the room were ready to get to safety at this point, one was even crouching behind a heavy duty trash can. "I will hurt you.", Bacon responded and then scratched her long, pomegranate red hair, the other girl simply shrugged as her short hair ruffled from a gust of wind coming from a broken, moldy window. The blonde teen was hoping that the girl didn't know her current gender, as she asked," What's my gender, my stalwart love!?", as the other thought for a few seconds then she responded with, "Female, my irregular spirit..." , and added, "but, you'll always be Algiz." the red head sighed and moved the others arm. Algiz was worried when that happened, then the worry increased when Bacon sat in a squeaky, and pretty rusty, fold-out chair and pulled out a book. Algiz wrapped her arms around the others shoulders a asked, almost pleading, "Why aren't you playfully pushing me? Is there some one else!? Is... he here?" , hearing the concern in her the others in the room winced.

    At how long it took Bacon to respond you could steal three items at this point. Then the girl responded, "I'm.... More depressed than usual, and we're betrothed you dumbass, so there can't be anyone else... Even if I didn't care for you", hesitating at the last question she responded, "Don't worry, h-h ... he's dead." , Algiz almost sobbed. She refused to lose her love, the one she loved since age five.

The picture's from Papa New Guinea, I thought it was fitting.

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