My Dear (Baka)

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Baka woke up to the sound of chirping birds and gorgeous light blooming from the window. She fluffed her honey blonde hair and rose her arms to the golden light, she smiled.

A knock at her door, she looked around, pastel blue walls with a pastel pink ceiling and white door with a gorgeous bronze knob. She smiled and continued to look, the pale curtain blowing from her large window, the glass doors leading to her balcony, a lovely wooden desk decorated with small trinkets and her laptop resting on front the lush leather chair.

Her eyes came to rest at the door to her room, a white double door with glimmering golden knobs, after she gazed at the plush blue rug atop the expensive wooden floor a voice sounded, "Madam, your friend Kiwi has arrived." , it was Panda the butler.

The girl practically squealed her friends name. She quickly went to her walk in closet, throwing the door open, she grabbed her blue v neck shirt and put on a black skirt over black tights. As she exited the closet she grabbed black ballet flats and slipped them on, "Coming!!!!" , excitedly she opened her doors and hugged Panda.

She looked at the arched halls floors of granite and white walls with marble archways lining the doors, and giggled. Quickly she dashed to the large modern kitchen and found Kiwi grabbing out supplies for cupcakes.

"Kiwi!!! Cupcakes? Again?" , the girl curiously asked, "Sorry B, it's all I know how to make." Kiwi responded. She smiled at The Bruner and looked into her green eyes, she loved her friend. The two quickly got to work, when they got the cakes in the oven it was time for Baka's private lessons. "You didn't cancel?", Kiwi asked, Baka shook her head, "I forgot, sorry, bye!" Baka left for tutoring while Kiwi and Panda played chess.

Panda let Kiwi win.


Panda started his day like every other, wake up Baka and inform her of the day. Today was a little different though, after Baka came back from tutoring he was called in by Mr. Terrence Dounton, his boss. When Panda walked in Dounton took him by the arms and kissed him, "Panda, kiss me back!", Panda complied. After the kiss, Panda remembered when the two started the relationship.


After Terrence and Baka left the hospital, Panda drove the pair home and put Baka to bed. When he walked into Terrence's room and entered he was told to come to the bed. "Panda sit with me, on the bed.", Panda did as his master said, he was shocked when Terrence touched his fluffy, black hair. Terrence moved to his back, placing his head on the others shoulder and smelled Pandas neck and kissed his ear, "Now, with Mary resting at the hospital after Armory 's birth I can finally tell you, I love you.". Panda couldn't understand, Terrence straddled Panda, his hand in the others hair. Terrence kissed the white patch on his secret love's head, "love me Panda." , the man moaned and kissed the other passionately.

After Panda and Terrence had sex, the two continued the affair.


When Panda was done with the memory Terrence was kissing his neck, Panda moaned and grabbed the other man's ash blonde locks. When a knock sounded the two stopped, Panda stood and grabbed a sheet, draping it over his arm and held it in front of his crotch. "Dad, I heard something, is everything okay in there?", the innocent voice echoed in the gray painted room with smooth black flooring and white vaulted ceiling, a gray shag rug at the foot of the giant bed. Sure, the room was empty, but the room had the black main doors with gold knobs and two other black doors, one with brass knobs and the other with a silver knob. The silver one held a bath room and the brass one was a closet, walk-in of course.

The father stood up and motioned the other to open the doors, he and Panda no longer needed to hide their crotches, when Panda opened the doors Baka looked at her father. "There was moaning and you two are the only ones here." She said, blue eyes studying the two, "My dear, Panda and I have been... seeing each other, romantically. " when he said this he expected his daughter to explode with rage, she didn't.

Panda wasn't sure how the girl would react, so he quietly out an arm on the others waist and looked at her, preparing for the worst. He didn't have to though.

Instead Baka nodded and wished them luck as she smiled. She left the door way and went to kiwi to finish frosting the cupcakes.

The name Terrence Dounton, is from Sorry, Wrong Number and the name of a house was 20 Dounton Terrace. Terrace→Terrence and Dounton stayed the same. Terrence was 20 when Baka was born and 25 when his son, Armory, was born. The wife, Mary, won't go inside his room because she respects his privacy and she doesn't know about the affair.

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