"Yao! Open the-open the door, please!"

Yao grips onto his ponytail as he cries. "I-Ivan...!" He calls out before unlocking the door.


"Yao!" Ivan grips onto the shorter man's shoulders. "A-Are you alright?"

"No...I'm not..." Yao's voice breaks before he falls onto Ivan's chest. "I-It hurts, aru...! So much...! I-I can't do this...! I-I let him touch me...! I couldn't do anything, Ivan! Anything! I-I...now look at me, aru...! I have cuts on my arms and I can't walk into a damned room without being mocked...! I just want it all to end!"

"Don't say that, Yao!

"It's true, Ivan!"

"No it's not, now stop it!"

Yao cries into Ivan's chest as the Russian rubs his back. "I wish this was all over, aru...! It would all be better if I just died...!"

Ivan pulls away, looking into Yao's eyes. "Don't say that! You are-"

"I can't do this anymore, Ivan!"


A young woman walks the halls, her head perking up upon hearing two voices from inside a room. She presses her ear to the door and listens.

"Don't touch me, aru!"

"Stop it, Yao! You'll wake the neighbors!"

The woman jumps back, her tray almost falling from her hand. She takes a deep breath and gently knocks on the door.

The room goes quiet.

The door softly opens, a young man standing on the other side. Tall, platinum blonde, violet eyes.


"I'm sorry, I couldn't help but hear something going on in your room? Is anyone in there with you?"

The man seems taken aback by the question. "Yes, why?"

"It seemed like a young lady was arguing with you?"

The man smiles nervously. "Ah, there is no young woman here."

The woman becomes skeptical. "Would you mind if I checked inside?"

"Yes, actually." The man says bluntly, blocking the doorway.

"Sir, I would like to inform you I am housekeeping, Kirumi Tojo. I have all rights to enter this room."

The man seems to become uneasy. "I believe I still have the right to refuse service, da?"

"Sir, if you do not let me in, I will have to call the authorities due to suspicious behavior."

The Russian reluctantly moves aside, allowing the gray haired woman to enter the room.


Yao sits on the bed, wearing only a silk, red robe of which resembled a kimono. His dark brown hair draping from his shoulders.

"Excuse me, ma'am. I am housekeeping and I heard some rather suspicious things coming from this room."

A young woman walks next to the bed, making Yao's heart jump.


"Would you prefer Miss?"

"I- sure..."

Yao stares at the woman, growing impatient. "Please expand on your reasoning, aru."

"It sounded like your husband was hitting you. Is this correct?"


Yao cuts himself off as he sees Ivan's worried face. "No, this is false. Nothing happened between us, aru."

The woman nods. "Do you have any bruises?"

Yao's hands slightly shake. His mind immediately goes to his cuts.

"With all due respect, I think this has gone far enough-"

"I must verify that you are alright, otherwise security will have to be brought into the situation."

Yao's heart stops. "I already told you that everything is alright!" He hisses. "Please leave, aru."

Ivan walks over to Yao and puts his arm around him. "Everything is alright here. We just got into a small argument, da?"

Yao smiles and plays along. "Yes. It is merely just a newly weds quarrel, aru."

The woman nods and takes her leave, allowing the two nations to calm down.

"I'm sorry, Ivan..." Yao says softly. "I shouldn't have gotten so overwhelmed..."

Ivan sighs. He places his hand onto Yao's, admiring his soft skin. "Don't blame yourself, my sunflower."

"How can I do that? I'm so sorry..." Yao whimpers. He locks his misty eyes with Ivan's. "Why are you still here, aru?"

"What do you mean, Yao-Yao?"

"Why are you still with me? How can you tolerate me, aru?"

Ivan sighs. "Right now, what you need is love and support..." He tucks a loose strand of hair behind Yao's ear. "I won't leave you, I promise..."

"How am I supposed to believe you...? What if you turn out just like the rest of them...?"

"It's okay for you to feel that way, and I understand that. Just know that I will always be here for you. Whether you believe it or not," Ivan rubbed Yao's back. "Because I love you..."

Yao's eyes widen as he stares into the Russian's loving violet eyes. "Y-you..." Yao begins, but he is at a loss for words. He looks down, his hair casting a shadow over his honey colored eyes.

Ivan looks at the brunette male, his heart pounding. "I'll leave you be for tonight if that's what you need." Ivan begins before getting up.

"No, wait..."

A soft hand loosely grabs onto the Russian's. He looks back, seeing Yao with desperate eyes.

"Don't go...please, aru..."

Ivan kneels down in front of Yao, drying his tears from his porcelain face. "If that's what you want, I will stay..."

Yao cups Ivan's cheeks gently. "Wo ai ni, aru..." He sadly smiles. "Wo ai ni..."

"Ya lyublyu tebya, my sunflower." Ivan smiles softly, admiring the beautiful man in front of him. The one he longed to hold in his arms for so many years. The one he wanted to protect more than anything. The one he loved more than one could possibly imagine.

"Let's show them all, aru...That we are more than what they say..." Yao insists.

"Da, let's do it, my love."


Yao lay in Ivan's arms, his sleeping face enchanting the Russian. He gazes at the smaller man in his arms, a soft smile on his face. Tomorrow will be a new day. One they will both remember for years to come.

A Fallen Sunflower [Russia x China Hetalia] Where stories live. Discover now