55. The God of Thunder

Start from the beginning

"I found, uh, this in the armory." His serious face grows rather nervous as the King takes out a grey armor, folded together. It's the old and traditional Valkyrie armor and it awakes a painful nostalgia in Brunnhilde. As her hand traces gently along the pattern, Thor smiles. "Good luck."

"You, too, my King." Aurora smirks and briefly hugs him before she jumps on the ship.

"Your Majesty." Brunnhilde calls him as they are about to fly off to the Bifrost, her eyes attached to Thor. "Don't die. You know what I mean."

With a wave from Aurora, she, Bruce and Valkyrie leave him at the royal palace and Aurora can only hope that he will survive Hela. His sister is powerful, not too far away from Ego, and this kind of mighty force bothers Aurora. Nobody should possess so much power. While Bruce flies the ship and Aurora prepares her gadgets, Valkyrie changes her clothes and looks more gorgeous than ever in her uniform.

"Damn. You look beautiful." Aurora is amazed by Valkyrie's appearance, completely speechless. "It suits you well. You should keep it."

Smirking, Brunnhilde only sends an amused expression and prepares the gun. From the distance, the Revengers hear the people's steps and Aurora looks out, spotting the crowd of Asgardians on the rainbow bridge to get to Heimdall's observatory. Ahead of them is the gatekeeper Heimdall himself, it's the first time Aurora will meet him.

A roar cuts them off and everyone's attention is directed to the enormous and dangerous hound in front of the observatory, the animal is snarling at the Asgardians. Aurora lifts a brow in astonishment at the beast and she grimaces. "I don't think this kind of dog is supposed to be a harmless pet..."

"Hela's wolf, Fenris." Valkyrie narrows her eyes in angelica when she witnesses how the monstrous beast runs towards the Asgardians. Brunnhilde doesn't hesitate to fire at it, protecting her folk but at the same time, Hela's army of berserkers surround them from the other side. Fenris is unaffected by the shots and continues his path to the Asgardians. "The stupid dog won't die!"

"I'll go down and fight off the dead army, try to find a solution for the wolf!" Aurora shouts back, putting on her space helmet and activating her jet boots. "Doctor Banner, you stay here!"

"No." Bruce protests and stands up. He's an Avenger, it's his duty to save people and he cannot only sit around and do nothing. "Everything's gonna be all right now. I got this."

Aurora's eyes widen, "What?? No, Bruce, you said if you turn again– "

"I have to." He cuts her off and turns to Valkyrie, standing now next to her as the wind rushes into the ship. "You wanted to know who I am?"

"What the hell are you talking about?" She's utterly confused, having no idea what Aurora and Bruce hide from her.

"You'll see!" With these words, Bruce Banner jumps off and both, Valkyrie and Aurora, look after him in disbelief. Fuck, fuck, fuck, Aurora bites on her lower lip, hoping that this won't turn out as a bad idea. With a loud Smack!, the Avenger lands right in front of Fenris like a stone, still remaining in his human form.

"All right, we're screwed." Aurora cringes at the painful landing. Fenris doesn't care about the broken man in front of it and the beast now races towards Heimdall and the others. Before it can harm them though, the wolf is suddenly stopped by something and gets thrown away. A famous roar echoes through Asgard and Aurora now grins. The Hulk is back. "YAS!"

Valkyrie stares in utter confusion at him, not believing that the fragile man has turned into her former best friend and Aurora laughs at her expression. "It's a long story. Now let me down, I'll fight the berserkers."

While Brunnhilde lowers their position, Aurora now jumps off as well with her jet boots and grabs a grenade, throwing it at Hela's army. The explosion defeats them and blows the rest away, a satisfied smirk lying on the auburn-haired girl's lips. Landing on the bridge, she finally meets Heimdall.

"Hey, I'm Aurora Reyes, nice to meet you." Deactivating her space helmet, she sends him a friendly smile and his unique golden eyes immediately catch her attention.

"Likewise." He returns with a gentle tone before both face the rest of Hela's army.

"Let's be badass." She grins and activates her space helmet again, flying off as she uses her quad blasters to shoot at every single one of them. While the two fight, Aurora notices how the heat of the hourglass is cooling down and she takes a short break, still hovering in the air. Glancing in her bag, she witnesses how the last grain of sand is falling and her face lightens up. Loki has arrived.

"Hey, man. I'm Korg. This is Miek. We're gonna jump on that spaceship and get out of here. Wanna come?" Korg's voice catches her off guard and Aurora sees the man made of stone next to Heimdall. When Korg is here, then Loki can't be too far away–

"Your savior is here!" Out of the fog, Loki's silhouette appears along with a huge spaceship. The God of Mischief wears his golden helm with horns and represents himself like a true god with his stretched arms.

"Drama queen." Aurora rolls her eyes playfully, but she can't prevent a happy smirk. Flying down, she lands on the bridge and walks towards Loki who acts like hero as he passes the crowd.

"Welcome home. I saw you coming." Heimdall greets him nicer than Aurora expected and Loki nods.

"Of course, you did." His emerald eyes now land on Aurora, a vibrant affection glinting. The corner of his lips for goes up as he looks down at the love of his life. "Did you miss me?"

"Why? Should I?" She only responds but her smile tells another story. "Let's save Asgard, shall we?"

Korg, Heimdall, Loki and her now focus back on the threat and start to fight against Hela's army. The God of Mischief and the demigod never leave each other's side, always staying close to make sure that the other one is well. But as good as they are, Loki with his combat and sorcery and Aurora with her gadgets and speed, they will never defeat Hela's army, being outnumbered by the berserkers.

How are we supposed to make it? Aurora's concern grows as she shoots at the berserker. It'll be an endless battle if they don't have an advantage soon.

Suddenly, a powerful lightning hits the castle and the ground trembles, making everyone watch the mighty blue light. Aurora's heart races in excitement and Loki smirks with satisfaction.

The God of Thunder has awaken.

A/N- Cue: Immigrant Song

Young God | L. LaufeysonWhere stories live. Discover now