Chapter 5: Advice over Noodles

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Watering Hole Park was one of dozens of parks throughout Zootopia's many districts, but was renowned as being the true center of the city. Eight thousand years ago, at the borders of this very watering-hole-turned-pond, the first true settlers of the Free Lands, born and raised there since the dawn of time, met for the first time in a hundred years to make peace and restore hope for the future after a century of war. For the first time there, an ideal of freedom and peace was born.

Just as was always intended for all animals.

Although the original watering hole was significantly smaller than it is today, (surrounded now by concrete and pavement), there were still some of the original trees from ancient days surrounding the pond protected by state law.

It was nearing the middle of the afternoon, and the sun was starting to cast elongated shadows across the entire city. Judy and Nick returned to this central hub of Zootopia, in need of a bit of rest.

When Judy checked the clock on her phone, it was 4:15. Along about this time, Nick usually took an afternoon break for a little bit. This break was most often spent in the rec room at the ZPD and eating leftover food from lunch while checking the news for stories relevant to their jobs.

However, as Judy and Nick pedaled into Watering Hole Park, Judy skidded to a halt. Her stomach had begun to growl a little bit, and she felt it signaling her brain that there was a specific food she was in need of.

"Hey, Nick," she said, dismounting her bike, "do you think we could get a bite to eat over there?"

She pointed across the park to where a small, Oriental-inspired stall was set up near the park's edge. Its pagoda roof and powerful, enchanting smells were wafting across the animals in the park, luring them in like moths to a light bulb. Rather than eating cookie-cutter chopped vegetables or bugmeal foods, most animals jumped at the chance to eat food that seemed more exotic. The roly-poly panda behind the counter seemed rather pleased with himself, like he'd made a bunch of sales. Only one animal was sitting at the counter right now, but the panda seemed happy to see anyone at all.

It was no secret that Judy loved Asian food. She had ordered it on movie nights with Nick; her favorite of all being the fresh ramen noodles from Ping's House of Noodles in the Southeast Belt. She even had dreamt once about using chopsticks to eat fresh sticky rice.

Since then, she'd had to repair her pillow a couple times.

"I'm kind of in the mood for that kind of food myself," Nick said. "Let's go."

With that, both animals set off across the park, their minds on their destination.

"Just promise that it won't make you eat half of your pillow again," Nick said casually, much to Judy's consternation.

"I told you not to mention that," Judy groaned, reminded of the rough night she had had as a result of swallowing the pillow's stuffing.

"But you share that kind of weirdness with me all the time," Nick commented.

"Yeah," Judy replied, "but I wanted to keep that one in particular a secret."

"Carrots, you're not the only animal to get their stomach pumped."

"I thought it was a secret, Nick."

"I'm just commenting that you seem to have a desire to ruin your digestive system with pillow stuffing, brought about by Asian food."

Zootopia: ZPD Mysteries: Case #2: On Dimm AvenueWhere stories live. Discover now